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The sun shines brighter then anything in the world. It is a symbol of hope and brings us to a new day where there's a restart button for everything and everyone. It is without a doubt that beauty, true beauty is only with nature itself. The beautiful differentiated flowers, the rivers, the sea, the ocean and waterfall. Beauty is indeed with us and even though we poison it with dark hearts and maltreatment, it still favours us. The beauty of the ocean is still with as even with all the poison of plastic that kills its children. It remains strong and without fault. Maybe just maybe one day all these beautiful things that are given to us and we are not greatful for will be taken from us or even turn against us showing a very ugly side of themselves which would make us regret what we have been doing for years. Maybe one day we will wake up and realize that the sun no longer allows us warmth and the glow of the morning till dark, the moon would be nonexistent and forever forget about ever shining a light for us. Maybe one day the water will stop streaming down the rivers and the oceans will have not even a drop of it. Maybe just maybe, the world would be coming to an end but for now... now lets focus on what we as humans tend to do because honestly the story of the ocean and the sun will be told someday maybe by me or not and till that day comes, i assure you I will wait and see for my life is full of surprises. My name is Buhlebethongo Khumalo I am an only child of my father uBab'Khumalo. This is my story.

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