Season 5(fan made season)

Start from the beginning

Ep 4(inspired by season 3 ep 8)

"Witch's don't forgive"

Season 3's witch's return. 2 men must complete the spell of safety last one to complete the spell dies. Matt, Colleen and Joey was shocked to see these stupid witches again. These witches killed Colleen.

The men going into the challenge are: Jacksepticeye and Markiplier

Markiplier was cursed and killed and so Eva must stay in the lounge for the rest of the night.

Ep 5(inspired by season 4 ep 3)

"Another demonic deal"

The players must make a deal with a demon for the coin. the deal is 2 players must solve 5 riddles the first to finish is safe the last is for the demon to kill once the player is dead the other gets the coin.

The players going into the challenge are: Laurenzside and Kate

Laurenzside fails to finish and get torn apart by the demon and so Andera must stay in the lounge for the rest of the night.

Ep 6(inspired by season 4 ep 7)

"A wish you won't forget" 

 Players must find the genies lamp 2 must be voted to search the cursed pit for the lamp only one will come back alive.

The players going into the challenge are: JoJo siwa and NightCove_Thefox

JoJo siwa failed to find the lamp and so Colleen must stay in the lounge for the rest of the night.

The genie offers them a wish, one to bring back a dead friend. Joey and NightCove_Thefox must make the final call.

Ep 7(inspired by season 1 ep 9)

"A jolt of life"

 Laurenzside is revived and so Andera has rejoined the game

The Lightning god makes two people compete to help their friends who are on clouds the loser will be struck by lightning. The people competing must solve greek myth riddles so save their friends every question answered wrong gives the player a shock.

The people competing are: Dangthatsalongname and Kate

The people on the clouds are: NightCove_Thefox(Kate)and LDshadowlady(Dangthatsalongname)

NightCove_Thefox was hit by lightning and died and so Joey must stay in the lounge for the rest of the night.

Ep 8(inspired by season 3 ep 3)

"A snake bite"

The group is solving puzzles but a snake is on the lose if anyone gets bitten their name goes in the voting pile. Jacksepticeye and LDshadowlady were bitten. The players must figure out what snake matches what name, roll snakes eyes on dice and find the snake gem and give it to the snake man,  the other will die

The players going into the challenge are: Jacksepticeye and Laurenzside

Jacksepticeye was posioned by the snake and so Tana must stay in the lounge for the rest of the night.

Ep 9(inspired by season 2 ep 6)

"A pebble in a lake"

The players must vote 2 into the challenge. the players voted in must compete in a yoga challenge.

The players going into the challenge are: Dangthatsalongname and LDshadowlady

Theres a twist the players must skip stones to finish. Neither of the players in the challenge will die, the stones have the names of the other living players Laurenzside and Kate if they can skip both stones both live if they fail any stone that sinks that person dies.

Nobody died.

Kate reveals she is working with the cursed god and will end the remaining players.

Ep 9(inspired by season 1 ep 8)

"A ritual done right"

The guests must complete a ritual to get the second last coin. They need 5 parts. 2 must be voted to collect the parts and set up the ritual but after its set up who ever placed the last part must read a note that says: Push the other player into the center on step in the center, the person in the center will be killed.

The players going into the challenge are: Kate and LDshadowlady 

LDshadowlady pushes Kate without a second thought and Kate dies.

Ep 10(inspired by season 1 ep 10)

 "Pandora's Box"

Eva, Joey, Sierra, Ro,  Tana and Colleen wander back to the main room.  Joey took the scroll LDshadowlady was given. "The last coin is under the box of the dead" Joey reads. "The box of the dead?" Sierra asked. Laurenzside spoke up. "We put all the cards of the dead people in that box!" She lifted the box. "Here it is!"  She put the coin into the slot. A box opened. Eva read the scroll. "Take these items from the past and hold them in front of the cursed god while everyone says: Begone demon go back to where you came from, you've hurt our friends and you will now pay the price." After you finish speaking close you eyes and you will be free. Inside the box was a Red Jeweled Key(season 4 final item), the tip of a cursed artifact(season 1 final item)A Green Gem(season 2 final item) and A Large Blue Crystal(season 3 final item)Dangthatsalongname was to hold the Large Blue CrystalLDshadowlady was to hold the tip of a cursed artifactLaurenzside was to hold the Red Jeweled Key and Joey held the Green Gem. The Green Gem reprisents Joey's life so he was the one to hold it. The group spoke what the scroll said and the Cursed God was gone. "YES!!!" Dangthatsalongname said. "We did it Joey!!!" Laurenzside looked at him he was pale... "See you soon Joey!" LDshadowlady said. Joey's vision became blurry...

 LDshadowladyDangthatsalongname and Laurenzside survived. 

Joey woke up with a pain in his head. "ugh..." He sat up to see Justine sleeping in a chair. *"How is she alive!?"* He thought. "Justine?" Justine woke up and said... "Joey! Your Awake!" "What happened..." "You invited me, Eva, Shane, Sierra, Matt, Oli, Andrea, Lele, Tim and Glozell to a dinner party at your new house. We were about to have dinner when you passed out... The doctors said you were in a coma. You were put into the coma on June 22 2016... Now its September 5 2019... You've been gone for 3 years..." "How many people have visited me?" Joey asked still shocked. "Your family came but didn't talk to you... But many youtubers came and talked to you the most recent people being  Lauren and Lizzie. They left about a minute ago. "I should go get a doctor..." Justine said leaving the room. *"Was it all a dream...? I'll ask about Shane when she's back..."* After a Doctor checked on Joey he was allowed to leave. "I'll take you home." Justine smiled. "Thanks..." They were walking to Justine's car when Joey asked. "How's Shane?" "He's good like everyone else you invited." Justine didn't think much of his questions it had been 3 years. "And Ro, MatPat, Tana, Megan and Racheal?" "Their fine. Everyone is fine." *"Nothing will ever be the same... And I will never stop loving and taking care of my friends... He was happy to see everyone who he thought had died or escaped the night(This doesn't count Gabbie bc she's mean and doesn't count as Joey's friend anymore).    

The end... 

Or is it? 

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