CATS : Prologue

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"Good afternoon dear neighbor!" The red head cheerfully smiled as he stretched out from the balcony. She greeted him with a simple wave, as for she, was busy watering the flowers.

"I'm surprised those flowers are still alive, with all those cats." He chuckled. She smiled at his comment.

"The sunset looks absolutely stunning today, doesn't it?" He leaned onto the balcony. She simply nodded, feeling a faint blush on her cheeks.

"I think I'll go make myself a cup of tea." He went inside of his apartment.

The warm air blew a breeze, causing the trees to dance side to side. Dancing to the rhythm of spring. 

 Her cat named Fuku gently crept up behind her, causing her to set down the watering can. She took this chance to run her fingers through the soft fur. Oh how this calmed her.

She gasped at the sight of her cat running away and swiftly jumping onto the other balcony. 

"Fuku!" She called out. She stood there, in worry. Her hair swayed in her face, as for the wind, she could no longer see the cat. The cat disappeared, making itself at home, in his apartment.

'Fuku will be alright. He's a good guy.' She thought to herself. 

She then continued her daily work, once again, picking up the watering can. She watered the tulips, singing a melody followed by a sweet hum. Not for long though.

"Hm, let me think. What song is that?" She jumped up due to startle, and shyly hid her face away from him, giving him a shrug.

"Making up sweet tunes, huh?" He laughed, taking a sip from the warm tea. Her lips curled up into a smile. Oh how his laugh made her blush. "Your cats are getting a little to used to me. Fuku decided to take a nap on my couch."

"Sorry about that..." She parted her pink lips to speak, causing for her to tightly grip onto the watering can she was holding, due to nervousness. "Oh! No need to worry about that! It's all good. I love cats." He reassured her.

'How should I tell him?'  She thought, blushing extremely hard. She's been wanting to confess her feelings for a while now. 

"So, you changed work shifts.. morning shift, is that correct?" He raised an eyebrow. "Yes.. morning shift from now on..." She shyly let out a soft laugh. "You should laugh more often, you look adorable when you do." He giggled.

'No, you do.' Her thoughts made her blush furiously. 

"You.. you also do morning shift right?.." She asked him. "Yep, always have been." He took another sip of tea.

"Would you like to come over tomorrow?.." She placed down the watering can, and leaned onto her balcony. "And why should I bother you like that?"

"We could drink tea.. before work.." "Hm. You know what, okay. I like the sound of that." He chuckled.

"Alright then, I'm gonna head to sleep now.. it's getting pretty late. See you in the morning Kanao-San!" He smiled ear to ear.

She shyly nodded as her lips curled up into one final smile. 

'Wait, Fuku!' She panicked at the thought. 'It's okay, I'll get her back in the morning.' She sighed heavily as she made her way inside the apartment.


"Hey Kit Kat, you hungry?" She bent down, and patted the brown cat's head. "I'm pretty sure the others are too." She chuckled as she heard him meow.

"Haru, stop scratching the couch!" She quickly rushed over to the white cat. "Bad girl!!" She placed her back down on the floor. "Hopefully Fuku behaves over at his apartment..." 

"I should probably clean up this mess for tomorrow morning."



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