Lilith's Past. [classic!Lilchelle]

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Three years later, a new student came to the institute, it was Michelle. Just like Lilith she also started getting bullied. Lilith knew that she couldn't let Michelle suffer like she did and tried to help her at times, but most of times she had been rejected. On other day, Lilith was now offended that no one lets her to be closer to Michelle and Michelle noticed that so she came closer to Lilith's room and knocked.

"Lilith can I come in?"

"Sure.." Lilith responded.

Michelle entered the room and sat down next to her bed. Lilith's eyes lit up upon seeing Michelle.

"You seem sad lately, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm fine." Lilith responded coldly.

"I can see right through you, so tell me what's wrong." Michelle insisted.

Lilith looked away trying to hide her small tears.

"Why do you care about mechanic that doesn't belong here anyway..."

Michelle was confused at first but then noticed a print with invention and understood.

"You are, but that doesn't mean you don't belong here, who told you that?"

"It was three years ago, don't get mad over it–"

"Do not try to change the topic, tell me!"

Lilith let out a sob from fear, Michelle realised that she yelled at her again and sighed softly.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have shouted like that..."

"It's..It's okay..." Lilith managed to say in between sobs. Michelle put her hand on Lilith's shoulder and stroked it gently.

"It was Julia isn't it?"

Lilith nodded slowly wiping away her tears, "Yeah, they bullied me before you.."

"For all three years!?"

"Yes... That's why I'm trying to help you through all this, but you kept rejecting me..."

"I'm so sorry Lil, I..I'm just used to get through everything myself.."

"It's fine really, just try not to be rude towards me again.."

Michelle nod and hugged her tightly.

"I promise."

Michelle and Lilith continued to hold each other as long as they could without breaking the hug. The moment lasted longer than expected and when it ended they were both blushing. They stood up and looked at eachother smiling nervously.

'Why is she so adorable.. Wait, no! Michelle, she's only your friend that you met like four days ago.' Michelle thought.

They kept being silent until Lilith spoke, "Do you want to go somewhere..?"

"Sure, how about we go to the cafeteria, it's lunch after all." Michelle smiled brightly as she took Lilith's hand and pulled her along, leaving the room and heading straight for the cafeteria.


Lilith era una nerd normal que amaba la ciencia y creaba varios inventos.  Sin embargo, su padre no aprobó su sueño de convertirse en científica, pero tuvo la oportunidad de demostrar su valía en el Instituto PINYPON de Nueva York.  Lilith no era una chica habladora y cuando conoció a Tasha en el nuevo dormitorio estaba un poco asustada, pero luego la compañera de cuarto de cabello castaño la calmó.

"Oye, está bien chica, no te haré daño ni nada. Entonces... soy Tasha, ¿cómo te llamas?"

"Soy..." tartamudeó Lilith, no tenía mucho tiempo para presentarse tan rápido.  "Soy Lilith".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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