S5 The Walking Dead Chapter 57; Try

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Deanna, Reg and Spencer mourn the loss of Aiden while listening to his metal music mix in their living room. Carol drops off a casserole and condolence note at Deanna's front door. Deanna leaves the casserole on the stoop and burns the note.

Sasha, in the guard tower, shoots at a walker knocking on the wall.

Daryl and Aaron are outside the wall. Aaron mentions there are more walkers here than normal. Daryl points off at a faint light in the distance, indicating that is why there are more walkers wandering in that direction.

Afterwards, Deanna watches a video recording of her interview with Nicholas as he recounts Aiden's death. Nicholas accuses Glenn of causing the warehouse explosion by distracting Aiden, and adds that he himself was almost left to die by Glenn's group. In the video, Spencer is heard asking what Deanna was doing. She says she needs to record the video now, she will need it for later. Deanna forbids him and Glenn from leaving the community. Nicholas says, "These people are not like us; I know you see it too." Deanna disagrees, telling Nicholas that he doesn't know what she sees."

Meanwhile, Glenn recounts his truthful version of events to Rick, who seethes over the fact that no one in the community knows how to survive. Glenn insists they can be taught. "We've got to make this work," he says.

Carol meets with Rick and revisits her proposal to kill Pete. She says Sam once found Jessie on the floor bleeding after Pete had knocked her unconscious. Carol adds that if walkers hadn't killed her husband Ed, she would not be standing here. "Yeah, you would," Rick counters.

Rick walks to the lake and stares out at the water, gripping his stolen revolver. Pete sees Rick and asks if he's okay. "Keep walking," Rick warns.

The next morning, Rosita tells Michonne that Sasha spent the night in the guard tower and hasn't returned. As they search for Sasha in the woods, they realize it's the first time they've been outside the walls since they arrived at Alexandria. Michonne says she feels like she's been "asleep."

Rick tells Deanna about Pete and is shocked to learn that Deanna has been protecting Pete because his medical skills are an asset. Rick suggests they separate Jessie and Pete - and if Pete doesn't cooperate, they kill him. "We don't kill people, this is civilization," Deanna says. Rick presses, but Deanna shuts him down: "I wouldn't kill you," she says. "I'd just send you away."

Michonne and Rosita find dead walkers in the woods, all killed by shots to the back of the head. "She's hunting them," Michonne realizes.

Carl secretly follows Enid into the woods. "You're very loud," she finally says, calling him out. They playfully run through the trees and stop short when they spot a walker. Enid takes a timer out of her backpack and chucks it at the walker. The buzzer goes off, luring the walker away. Enid smiles.

Glenn finds Nicholas cleaning the blood-soaked van and takes him to task for letting five people die during supply runs. "You're just a coward," Glenn says. "People like you are supposed to be dead." He forbids Nicholas from leaving the community by himself or with anyone else. "That's how you're going to survive," he says. "Are you threatening me?" Nicholas asks. "No," Glenn replies, "I'm saving you."

Back in the woods, Carl and Enid hear a herd of walkers approach. They hide in a hollow tree trunk and wait for the walkers to go past. One of them has a 'W' on its forehead. "It's their world, we're just living in it," she whispers. Carl briefly touches her hand as they lock eyes, getting inches away from each other but Carl backs away. Smiling, she notes he's also afraid of her.

Ignoring Glenn's instructions, Nicholas sneaks into the woods and digs something up from a hiding spot: it's the gun that Rick had stashed prior to entering Alexandria.

Elsewhere in the woods, Michonne and Rosita find Sasha slaughtering a large cluster of walkers. Michonne and Rosita join Sasha's side and kill the walkers together. Afterwards, Sasha screams at them to leave her alone. She then breaks down and admits her guilt over having once told Noah he wouldn't survive.

In the woods on their recruiting mission, Daryl and Aaron spot a campfire in the distance. They follow the trail and come across a pile of hacked limbs. "This just happened", Daryl notes. Nearby, they find a woman's naked and disemboweled body tied to a tree, a "W" carved into her forehead. "This just happened?" Aaron asks, and Daryl grimly confirms it. She awakens and Daryl disposes of her.

Rick finds Jessie in her garage and tells her that he knows about Pete. "I can take care of myself," she says and goes into the house, closing the garage door in the process. Undeterred, Rick enters into Jessie's living room and insists she let him protect her and her kids from Pete or she will end up dead. "If you don't fight, you die," he says. "And I don't want you to die. I can help you." Jessie wonders if Rick would do the same for anyone else and he admits he wouldn't. Jessie whispers, "yes," just as Pete enters the living room.

Pete demands that Rick leave, but Rick refuses and instead orders Pete to leave with him. Pete explodes with anger and takes a swing at Rick. The two begin brawling, eventually crashing through the front window and out into the street.

Meanwhile, in the guard tower, Sasha watches as walkers approach the wall. She's distracted by noises coming from inside Alexandria.

The community - including Reg and Spencer - gathers around Rick and Pete as they pummel and try to choke each other. Sam hides behind Carol. Pete punches Jessie as she tries to intervene. Rick then punches him and flips him over, pushing Carl off when he tries to stop him. Rick then chokeholds Pete. Deanna orders them to stop. "Or what?" Rick yells - brandishing his gun as Tobin and Nicholas are about to intervene - "You're gonna kick me out?."

Sasha snipes at the walkers. One has a 'W' carved on its forehead.

In front of Jessie's house, a bloodied and shocked Rick insists that the community's ignorance of the real world is going to get people killed and that they need to control who lives there and who doesn't. Coldly, Deanna replies that its never been clearer to her than now. Rick sarcastically asks if she's referring to him and adds that her way is going to get people killed and has already gotten people killed. "I'm not going to stand by and just let it happen," he vows. "If you don't fight you die", he adds. Before he can continue, Michonne suddenly strikes Rick in the head from behind, knocking him unconscious.

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