Chapter 4 - SLAP!

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He stood up and introduced himself, "Uh, hello, uh, my name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, uh, nice to meet you"

Unfortunately, his introduction was a flop as our classmates claps him with pity. Poor Ayanokouji.

"I see, it's nice to meet you, Ayanokouji".

But luckily, Hirata was so nice that he didn't mind.

"Now, it's your turn"

Hirata then pointed at my direction, signifying that it's my turn.

"Sigh, fine,"

I then stood up from my seat and continued "My name is Okuma Ikuto, I like donuts. And if someone messes with me, please don't surprise if you get hit and get insulted by me unexpectedly."

My classmates looked at me with perplexed reactions. As if they tried process on what I'm saying.

"Uh, Okuma-kun, what do you mean by that?" asked Kushida.

"I mean what I mean. For example, if you were trying to pry on my life, then don't blame me if I hurt you physically or verbally"

"B- but Okuma-kun, I won't do that!" she shouted.

"But isn't that the reason why you try to be friends with all the student?"


She was caught off guard on what I'm saying. I won't be surprised if I was marked by Kushida as her target tomorrow.

"Hey, what are you doing?!"


Suddenly, a gloomy boy who looks like Ayanokouji bought in Walmart confronted me.

"... Who're you again?"

"... You seriously forgot it? Nevermind. My name is Miyamoto Soshi" he introduced himself.

"And I'm telling you to stop bullying Kushida-san!" he insisted.

"Oh? Then please tell me why". I asked.

"Because she didn't do anything bad on you!".

Well, if you look in a normal person's perspective, she is a friendly girl that every girls and boys like. So for them, she looks innocent while I am the bad guy.

"Hmm, you're right". I said in agreement.

"...what?" he asked. He might thought that I'm a person who is hard to convince.

"Well, she didn't do anything bad after all..." I added.

If a person that has conscience suspects a person who is good-natured, then they will feel guilty about what they've done.

"If you know, the- "


Unfortunately, I'm a person who doesn't have conscience towards a bitch like her. Not to mention, she will potentially become a back-stabber. And I hate back-stabbers the most.

And this stupid idiot acts like he's some kind of hot shit in this classroom. It seems that I should thoroughly teach him a lesson.

" impulse to hit someone was so bad that I can't take it anymore".

"What the hell do you mea-?"

Before he talk, I interrupted him by approaching towards him and immediately grabbed his collar. He then felt confused as he doesn't know what I'm doing.

"So please offer yourself on behalf of Kushida".


Slapping his right cheek with my right hand, a loud slap was reverberated throughout the whole classroom.

Most of my classmates then have dumbfounded looks on their faces to the scene that was laid upon their eyes. Not even a single person dared to utter a single word as they look at the crazy guy suddenly slapping a fellow classmates at the first day of school.

"Argh! What was that?!" he shouted in surprise.

"Didn't I tell you a while ago? That you'll be held liable on behalf of Kushida?"


Slapping his left cheek with the back of my right hand, his left cheek starts to get red, leaving a hand mark.

"ARGH! Why are you doing thi-".

"I'm just getting started".



"C'mon, you can't withstand my slapping? That was just the tip of my strength though?"





"What, did you regret it? It's too late to back out you know?"



He then started to plead on me.

"P-please, forgive me-".






I then proceeded to slap him until both of his cheeks became swollen. Most of my classmates didn't even dare to approach me as I might slap them like this guy.

Correction, rather than might, I would slap them if they dare to interrupt me.

"Stop it!".

Someone stopped me while slapping Walmart Ayanokouji, and it was Hirata.

"Please stop it. This is just the first day of school. Don't you want our classmates to think that you are a bad person?" he asked with worry on his face.

I then looked around and saw that a bunch of defects were whispering at me, saying I'm crazy and such.

"Who says I care about what you guys thinking?" I told him as I revealed a tiny bit of bloodlust in my eyes.

As he look into my crimson eyes, he's forehead started to sweat. His body began to tremble as he can't handle the pressure I put into him.

But immediately after, I immediately retracted my bloodlust while letting go of Miyamoto's collar and continued, "Oh well, just keep in mind that if someone interrupts me like this guy over here, prepare to receive consequences".

After I delivered my last warning, I decided to go out of the classroom. I also heard Miyamoto sniffling silently, likely due to the pain he received from me. And in the end, most boys comforted him while helping him on standing up and putting him into his assigned seat. If he didn't act like he's some kind of bigshot, it wouldn't happen to him.

Now, let's see what this school has to offer...


COTE: The Mad DemonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum