The King Of Hearts

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The sun rises as the scarlet leaves dance in the wind and sing a song of change. Anarchy appears closer with each setting sun. Tyrants run rampant among the higher powers, as if to play god. Children are trained like soldiers, used as harbingers of war. Each person is unique, all are anything but ordinary. Some can run at the speed of sound, others can the elements themselves. Each day a choice is made; how well will morals be upheld. One may assume that with these strengths, the morally unpolished will be defeated and lost. However, the evil lies within, but history doesn't act nicely to those who play god.

Life isn't fair. Some people don't have luck in their corner. Kaida, however, had no one in his corner. Even as an infant he was all alone. In a world full of powers that unite, his only isolated him. No one knows where he's from, as there isn't a single record of his birth anywhere in the country of Concord. Some say he's the son of Lucifer himself, others assume that he's just a monster. Around fifteen years ago at the start of winter a newborn child was left at the front door of Prime Minister Vidil's house. That child was found with a cicada, which isn't native to Concord. Vidil took in the child and named him Kaida.

Once Kaida turned five he was sent away to the camp for children with powers that have military potential. Kaida's known abilities were that he could become one with shadows and light, along with being able to turn parts of his body into a fog like mist. He was always quiet and kept to himself. Kids were placed in dorms with at least one other kid. Kaida's first, and only roommate, Axol, was rather cocky and mean. Axol's power was bioelectricity, so he believed he was better than everyone else because of it. Kaida was made fun of for his snow white hair that went down to his jawline. After only three days living with Axol, Kaida lost control for the first time when Axol crossed a line when trying to impress others.

Axol spoke in a mocking tone, " Hey Kaida, you and your egg colored hair need to do more around here!"

Kaida ignored him as usual, but Axol wouldn't let up.

"None of us have even seen your powers, are you some sort of freak." said Axol, clearly trying to stir him.

That word left a taste of lemon in Kaida's mouth... freak.

"You're probably some sort of monster, that's why you don't show your powers." Axol said with a smirk while looking to see others' reactions.

That was it. That was the word that set him off, and he didn't know why. Kaida's heartbeat slowed to a dangerous low. His head slowly turned to Axol but never fully faced him. Axol stared at Kaida, no smile, or a quip because the boy that looked back at him wasn't Kaida. Emotionless ash colored eyes peered into Axol's soul. His heartbeat resonated throughout his whole body. He felt like Kaida stole all the air right out of his lungs, but again, this didn't feel like Kaida. Demon was the only word Axol could think of, and this demon had Kaida's face but not a single thing else in common with Kaida. Its hair wasn't the pristine white Kaida's, it was dark like the midnight sky. This thing had horns at the corner of its forehead, along with that was an aura of pure malice. Axol was shaken to his core, the only thing he knew was how that wasn't Kaida.

"K-Kaida?" Axol barely managed to squeak out.

It kept a blank expression but still didn't take its eyes off of Axol. The longer Axol was near that thing, the more his chest started to hurt. The other kids around him felt similar, but not a single sound was made. It was that feeling that gave him the nickname The King of Hearts. Just the sight of this demon was enough to give grown men heart attacks. Even after a few seconds that felt like minutes, nobody made a single move. Axol didn't take his eyes off of it, but within a split second it was gone. Within the same fraction of a second, it was directly in front of Axol. At the speed of light, it struck Axol in the center of his chest. Axol coughed up blood all over its arm and hand as most of the bones in his rib cage were shattered. The other children screamed in terror and ran as far away from it as they could. Its razor sharp fingernails sliced Axol's skin, over and over again. As it finally went for the Axol's throat, it caught a glimpse of its bloodstained hand and nails. It stopped all movement towards Axol as its hand started shaking. Guards arrived shortly after and found Kaida on his knees gazing at his bloody hands with wide eyes in horror. Kaida's pristine white hair was no longer pristine, rather stained with the crimson liquid.

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