Malak X Reader

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Malak didn't like you at first, but when he saw how capable you were, he started to get to know you better.

He finds you super entertaining and thinks you're funny, especially when you gave each monster a nickname.

Thinks it's cute when you play with Agatha.

Told the monsters to go easy on you, because he doesn't really want you to get hurt.

Almost ripped Lucky's head off when he beat you up.

Felt bad if you got hurt in one of the nightmare.

Still hated Bierce of course.

If you did something wrong, he would punish you to babysit Agatha (he would tell her to go crazy).

Absolutely HATES it when Bierce is sarcastic to you or mocks you.

Took you to Mama Bear and asked her if she could take care of your wounds after you got beat up by the Joy Joy Gang. He then proceeded to beat the existing programming out of Lucky and destroyed Joy Joy Land... Yeah.. 👍

Petended that he hated it when you got the ring pieces, but was so proud that you succeeded.

When he visited Mama Bear to check on you, he was so relieved that you are going great and was sleeping peacefully.

Calls you names like mortal (at first), darling, sweetheart, little devil (idk), y/n (in a loving tone), puppet (for some reason) and fool (if you did something wrong)

Tries to be nice to you, even if you did something wrong.

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