Make it stop!

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Chapter 4

Warning this chapter contain a lot of smut, rape and more sexually contiat, also strong languae. You have been warned but to be far I warned you this in the frist chapter just making suer everone remebered.

2 hours and 30 minute after the five men went into Finral's room he was keep in. They all assaulted him, some even twice, all Finral wanted to do was go home or anywhere but here. He was also worrying about Langris and hoping he would stay calm and not try to look for him knowing he would only get in trouble.

Them men all left the room.

Finral was in so much pain and was crying. He couldn't talk because the had put a ball gag in his mouth, and his jaw hurt form it holding his mouth open.

After about a few minute but Finral couldn't tell how long it had been for he was starting to lose track of time.

He could hear foot step's out side the door Finral just thought they where going to be guarding his door but no, the door opened.

Finral didn't recognized this one.

"Hello there." The man spoke, Finral turned his gazed to the floor to avoid eye contact with the man.

"I'm the one who brought you here, I bought you from your father. You can call me Boss."

Finral immediately recognized the other men saying something about there boss, and this was him, he was the one that was planing on selling him to other's. Finral's breathing speed up as the man took a step closer to him.

"It's time to get you ready for your first customer."

They pick Finral up and put a collar on him and then attached leash to it, and pulled him out of the room.

This room was much nicer then the last. The bed was soft but that doesn't mean Finral was comfortable.

Finral's wrist and ankles were chained to the top and bottom of the bed. Finral's jaw was now in immense pain for the ball gag was too big and had been in his mouth for almost 3 hours.

Finral was now stuck to the bed, he tried to move but couldn't. Everyone but the boss left the room.

"Now a Man is going to come in here and your going to be good for him. Okay."

Finral didn't reply.

"Okay now. I'll take silents as a yes."

He then left the room and turned off the light's behind him.

Finral hated being in the dark and was afraid of the dark. It reminded him of how his father would always turn the light off in his room at night and lock the door, Finral's bedroom didn't have any windows. 

Finral heard heave foot step come closer to the door. The door then opened. And the light's came on but they where dim.

Then man came in shut the door and then proceeded to claim on top of Finral.

Finral tried to struggled but was only causing himself more pain from the chains on his wrist and ankles.

The man took of his pants and boxers and then took out his big cock and put himself in Finral. 
Finral cried in pain as the big member struggled to get all the way in the little body. The man keep pounding and pounding in deeper and deeper, each movement causing even more pain.

Finral was still in pain from what the five men did before this but this on top of it. just made him want to close his eye's and just not open them ever again.

As one of the man hard thrusted Finral closed his eye's, almost hoping it would end everything but just then he saw a glips of Langris hugging him when he was little. Finral didn't want to give up. because he wanted to see his 'Ototo' 'Little brother' again.

So he was going to get out. but just then the man thrusted in hard and just then all he wanted was to make it stop all the pain. everything but it wouldn't.

To Be Continued

IN "I will find you, wherever you are."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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