Chapter 1 - Punishment or Reincaration?

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"HAHAHAHA, you are an interesting fellow, even in front of a God, you are still brave. I'm impressed!".

Afterwards, he loosen up his grip until my head was able to free from his abnormal power. I fell to the ground and immediately clutch my throbbing head because of pain.

"You won't kill me?" I asked him, confused from his actions.

"No, it will be a waste to see an interesting human being smashed to dust" he replied. He's treating me like I am some kind of toy.


He then revert back to his weaker version. After that, I decided to ask him a question.

"So, what will you do to me from now on?" I asked him, trying to find out his motive.

The god said in reply, "I will reincarnate you into a different world".


Reincarnation...Like you see in a typical isekai anime?

"Yes, you heard it right. Since I transported you here at my whim, you need compensation right? And you will be able to live the way you wanted to".

So that means... I can do whatever I want in my next life with no restrictions! I'll confirm it just in case.


"Yes, now, choose a world you want to go" he said, seemingly wants to end this conversation immediately.


The world I really want to enter is 'that' world, it will be interesting if I entered there.

I told him my answer, "I'll choose the world of Classroom of the Elite".

Classroom of the Elite. A novel, a manga, or an anime that centers around the school called Advanced Nurturing High School, where the strongest and smartest students can survive. You can be either fair or nasty, kind or cruel, decent or a cheater. As long as you have the skills and talent, it doesn't matter if you want to win at the end.

"Hmm, I see...and what do you also want as privilege".


I then asked him, "What kind of privilege?".

"Like the areas you want to improve on yourself, such as your physique, intelligence, social skills, etc."

Skills and talent, a necessary requirement for every human beings. It is acquired by learning them with the guidance of others or by your own. It wasn't easy to master a skill since it requires effort and talent. But the most important factor here is patience in order to hone it into perfection. In COTE, having skills and talents is really important to survive in a school where both brains and brawns were needed.

I immediately state what I have in mind since they are more necessary than everything else.

"Then, I want to have strength that surpasses Ayanokouji, a slightly above average intelligence, and *whisper whisper*"

You might wonder why I chose strength that surpasses Ayanokouji? That's because I can respond to any unexpected situations if there is one. With a strong physique, I could fight back or escape faster when dangerous scenarios appear.

As for the second one, having a decent amount of intelligence is not bad. When it comes to initiating deals, storing a huge amount of knowledge, or reading body languages, it is important to be a bit smarter when dealing with these kind of situations.

As for the last'll know it in the future eventually, so don't worry.

After I said the last part, the God grinned at me, "Hehe, what a naughty boy. It can't be helped since you have your pride as a man".

Later, his amused expression was suddenly replaced into a serious one, "Before you go, do you have any question?" he asked.

"None, so far" I said in reply.

"I see, then let me prepare your destination first".


As he snapped his fingers, a portal that swirls in the center appeared in front of me. It has a white-bluish hue and its height was similar to mine.

"It's prepared, now you can go".

As I was about to walk into the portal, he suddenly asked me before I stepped into the portal, "Before you go, let me ask you a question"

"What is it?" I asked with a bit of annoyance in my voice.

"Did you know how you died?"

What? I though the answer was obvious to him since he was the one who transported me here.

"Of course I knew. I died because..."

'Wait...' realization soon struck in my head.

Why didn't I remember how I died?

Impossible! I knew that I died, but I didn't know how I died?

My worries became apparent to my face as my forehead started sweating with bullets.

"I see..." He said as he has a grim look on his face.

By observing him, it seems that he knew how and why my memories related to my death vanished in my head.

"You... Are you somehow connected to any of this?" I asked him suspiciously.

"Yes" he replied without hesitation.


As I was about to express my anger, he interrupted me. "Don't worry about it, it will eventually reveal itself. But for now, you must go".


"Because it will be too much for you to handle on your current state, so be patient".

"...Fine" I sighed in defeat. Since I have no choice here, I decided to give up for now. My anger diminished a little but my curiosity about the memories of my death increases. But I decided to hold it in for now as this is not yet the right time to think such things.

"I will go ahead if you don't mind" I told him while I was near in the portal.

"Sure, good luck on your new journey young man"


As we bid our farewell, I walked through the portal and the world around me began to spiral.


COTE: The Mad DemonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя