chapter two

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The whole two and a half hours that it took me to get home, I drove in complete silence. It was just past nine pm by the time I got to my front door. Mom had tried calling me one more time, but I again didn't pick up because I knew that the moment I heard her voice or saw her face, I would immediately break down and I couldn't do that when I was driving.

I turned off the engine, got out the car and walked to the front door. As I went to unlock it I realised that I didn't have the key on me so I took a deep breath and knocked. I could her Maria's voice inside so I knew someone was home, but I don't think they heard me knock. So I knocked again. Otis started barking on the other side of the door and the sound of my moms voice became clearer, still obviously having a conversation with Maria.

When the door opens and my mom sees me, tears start to blur my vision. "Hey sweetheart, I didn't think you were coming home until next week?" She asked surprised as I step in the door. Like I expected, I broke down. "Oh detka, what happened?" She frowns, shutting the door behind her and wrapping her arms around me tightly. "We broke up," I tell her, letting my body weight collapse into hers. She brings me down to floor and leans her back up against the door as I cry into her shoulder. I can feel Otis trying to jump up on me, asking for my attention, but Maria picks him up.

I lie on the floor in my moms arms for a good half and hour before either of us say anything.

"How did this happen sweetheart? I didn't know you two were even having any problems," She questions gently, running her fingers through my hair. "She has feelings for someone else," I whisper. I feel my moms breath hitch before she holds me closer, if that's even possible. "I'm so sorry Y/N," She tells me. "She didn't even try to fight for me, mama," I choke.

Another ten minutes pass before I realise that I need the bathroom, so I slowly get off the floor and wipe away my tears. "I just need the toilet," I say and make my way into my bedroom and through to my bathroom.

After washing my hands, my eyes catch the unopened packet of razors on the counter. I've been clean for four and a half years, and I don't want ruin that but my mind instantly falls back into the state of relief it brings - even if it's just for a moment.

I stare at the packet for a few more moments before I reach for it and tear it open. Just this once, and maybe it will help take away some of the pain.

Before I can go any further I'm interrupted by a knock on my bathroom door. "Honey, you okay?" Moms asks softly. "Y-yep," I answer and put the razor back in the packet. Maybe it's for the best.

I open the door to see my mom still standing there. "Maria's made spaghetti bolognese for dinner. Have you eaten?" She questions and I shake my head. "Okay, let's go eat then," She smiles softly.

Y/N and I usually either call or FaceTime each night but when she didn't pick up all three times I called her tonight, I started to get worried. I know she's twenty now but it doesn't mean I worry any less about her.

Maria was trying to assure me that she was fine and was probably just studying and her phone had died when Otis started going off after hearing a knock on the door. When I opened it to see Y/N, I immediately relaxed knowing that she was okay. But then when she started sobbing and told me what happened, my heart immediately broke for her.

After she'd gotten up and gone to the bathroom, I went to Maria who was in the kitchen. "Is she okay?" She asks concerned. I shrug. "Her and MJ broke up,"

"Oh." She sighs sadly. "How did that happen? I thought they were fine?" She frowns. "That's what I thought too. I don't know the full story, only that MJ has feelings for someone else," I explain with a long sigh.

"Oh, poor kid," She breathes. "Where is she now?"

"Bathroom," I answer. Maria nods. "Does she want dinner? There's enough for the three of us."

"I'll go ask her," I smile softly, quickly pecking her lips.

When I knock on the bathroom door and Y/N comes out, the look on her face makes my heart hurt. I don't think I've seen her look this broken since she was fifteen. "Maria's made spaghetti bolognese for dinner. Have you eaten?" I question and she shakes her head. "Okay, let's go eat then," I smile gently.

Y/N exists the bathroom and I notice the packet of razors sitting on the counter has been opened. It wasn't like that before and I know because I'm the one who put them there. I watch Y/N walk out her bedroom before I go into her bathroom and take the packet out, checking the bin for any tissues, but thankfully there aren't any. I sigh in relief before putting the razors away so she can't find them and make my way into the kitchen.

When I walk in, Y/N looks up at me with a sad smile. I go over to her and place a kiss on her forehead. "I love you so much," I say. "I love you too, mama," She mumbles quietly.

Maria served up dinner for the three of us and we walked into the living room to watch TV whilst we ate. Y/N sat between us and said that she wanted to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S so that's what we ended up turning on.

After she'd eaten, Y/N rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. It didn't take long her to fall asleep. Maria got up from the couch and gave kiss Y/N a kiss on her head before picking up the bowls that were on the coffee table. "Do you two want a blanket?" She asks quietly. "Yes, please," I smile and she nods.

A few minutes later she walks back in with a couple of blankets. "Goodnight, darling," She smiles, giving me a kiss. "Goodnight, I'll be in soon," I explain with a small smile. "No need, you stay with Y/N tonight. She needs you," She tells me.

"Thank you," I whisper. "I love you."

"I love you too."


The next morning I wake up to a loud bang coming from the kitchen. I groan and open my eyes, noticing that Y/N isn't on the couch anymore. The sun is peaking through the sheer curtains in the living room so it can't be any later than seven and when I pick up my phone from the coffee table to check the time, it is exactly six-thirty in the morning.

"Oh, good. You're up. I'm making pancakes. Do you want some?" Y/N asks enthusiastically as I walk into the kitchen.

I yawn and take a seat on one of the stools. "Why are you up so early?" I question, ignoring hers. "It's six-thirty and it's the middle of exam season, this is a sleep in," She shrugs.

I go to say something but am cut off. "Which reminds me. I'm going back to Boston in a few hours because I still have so much studying to do." She informs me. "Why do you have to go back to Boston? Why can't you study here?"

"Well because I need the library," She shrugs, flipping the pancakes on the stove. "Honey, you live in New York. There are plenty of library's here for you to study at," I remind her.

Y/N sighs heavily before facing me. "I need to go back because otherwise I'm going to sit here a feel sorry for myself which I can't afford to do unless I want to fail my exams."

"Okay, I can understand that," I nod. "But maybe you could wallow for today and we can eat ice cream and watch movies and then you can go back tomorrow?" I suggest. "I can't, mom. Because I know that as soon as I let myself do that—" She chokes, her eyes becoming glassy. "Okay, okay. Come here," I coo, standing up from my stool and opening my arms.

She smiles sadly and wipes her tears before leaning her her against my shoulder.

"Do you want me to come back to Boston with you? I can take the week off of work," I offer. "You don't have to do that," She mumbles. "I don't mind," I say. "It's okay. I'll be okay," She assures me. "Okay. But if at any time you need me, call me and I'll come," I tell her and she nods before turning back around and taking the pancakes off the pan.

"Sweetheart," I say and she hums in response. "Don't be too hard on yourself, okay? It's your first breakup and it was a five year relationship. Give yourself some grace," I coaxed.

"I will," She sighs heavily. "Next week."

A/N: hi againnn
I promise it will get to more fluff and Nat stuff but bare with me :))

Anyways I'm going to bed now because I literally had 3hrs of sleep last night so goodnighttt or morning or afternoon, whatever time it is for you

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