F me

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Y/n's POV:

When we arrived at the cafe there a few people sitting having conversations and drinking coffee or whatever, but instead of finding a seat Tomo walked straight up to the counter. 

"Oh Tomo, Whats up man." The employee at the counter said. 

"Oh nothing much, just wondering if the study room is open today." Tomo said smiling.

"Oh you're lucky not many people know about it, and yes it's free, you going to study with your friends?" The employee stated.

"Oh thanks man, and yea, we gotta study, don't wanna fail you know." Tomo replied before walking through a door that looked like a storage room. "Please close the door behind you," Tomo said as we entered the storage room.

"Did you seriously book us a storage room. I mean if it was Thoma I'd understand," I said blankly.

"OI, what's that supposed to mean." Thoma said acting hurt for giggles and shit. 

"No I asked you to close the door because there is another room behind it." Tomo said smiling. 

"Did you know about this," I whispered to Scaaramouche and Kazuha. They both looked at me and shook their head.

Tomo opened the door and it revealed a cozy looking rooms with tables in the centre for study. (think of it like a library)

"Woahhhh!" was all i said, "THIS IS SO COOL!"

"Well I guess we should start studying, " Thoma and Tomo said as they set their books down on the table and took a seat. 

We all studied for around half an hour while drinking tea and eating some snacked before the peace in the room was destroyed.

"Omg why is this maths question so harddddd." I groaned, everyone just stared at me. 

"Omgggg, fuck meeeeee bro, I can't do this question," I said a few seconds later.

"I know someone who would." Scaramouche said blankly while continuing to study and mind his own business.

"I-," I was all I could say, as my face went bright red. 

Kazuha's POV:

"I know someone who would." Scaramouche said blankly while continuing to study and mind his own business.

The second those words left Scaramouche's mouth, my face went bright red, and all I could do was hide behind poetry notebook.

"Well uh, well..." Thoma says uh sure on how to reply to Scaramouche's bold statement. 

After Scaramouche's bold statement, we all studied for a few hours before Thomo and I walked. back to our dorm

Y/n's POV:

"BYEEE EVERYONE," I said as I waved them all goodbye. 

I walked with Scaramouche as he insisted on dropping me off at my dorm. 

"Well you got a lot of work done, that's a surprise." Scaramouche said as we continued walking.

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