{JenSoo} - when someone says something hurtful to you (requested)

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"Where to next?" Jennie asked as she tossed her empty cup into the trash.

Her other hand stayed wrapped in yours while your other one was in Jisoo's.

This way, the three of you were all holding each other's hand as you walked through the mall together as you spend the rainy day going through different shops and eating some delicious food together.

"There's one store in here I've been wanting to go to." You said, catching the attention of your girlfriends.

"Okay, my love. Lead the way. That  is officially our next stop." Jisoo said and neither she nor Jennie could hold back their smiles as you excitedly pulled them into the direction of this particular store.

You reached your destination a couple of minutes later and, excitedly, you rushed inside with your girlfriends following.

It didn't surprise them at all to see you skip the women's section of clothing and head over to the men's section. They didn't bat an eye at it.

For a while now, that's where you've been shopping.

You can't explain why but you just find it more comfortable to be dressed in men's clothes. It makes you feel better and it brings you happiness and contentedness and that's all that matters to Jennie and Jisoo.

"Do you mind if I look around for a few?" You asked.

"Not at all, darling. Take your time. We're not in any hurry." Jennie assured as she and Jisoo stood a few feet away from you, watching you look over all of the items that caught your eye.

They held each other's hands and talked about surprising you with a shirt that they spotted and knew you'd love.

However, something caught their eyes.

Something that brought them immense disappointment and halted their discussion and, instead, brought them the intense need to protect you.

The gaze of an older woman who seemed quite snotty, judging by the dirty look she was sending you.

"You're not buying that, are you?" She asked you as she stood beside you, reaching for the item in your hand.

"Oh. I'm not sure. Are you buying it for someone? You can have it." You said with a friendly smile and held it out for her to grab.

"I was thinking of buying it for my son. He's about your age. This is the kind of stuff he wears. Girls like you shouldn't be wearing it."

Your heart dropped and the sadness you felt because of her remark was obvious due to the frown on your face.

"You're a woman. You should grow out that weird haircut of yours and get into some women's clothing."

"Excuse me?" You scoffed before she rudely messed up your hair.

It's not the first time you've heard comments like that.

Your hair is quite short, in a style that some might describe as a boy's haircut.

But it's what you like and it's what you're comfortable with.

At the end of that day, why should anyone be bothered by it when it's your hair?

"You look like a man." The older lady said as she sent you a snarky grin. "You should be more feminine. You're a girl, honey. Act like it. Dress like it. You could be so beautiful if you just put in a little effort."

That was enough for Jennie and Jisoo.

In anger, they rushed to you and started to confront the woman with a few words.

"Who do you think you are?" Jisoo asked. "Telling our girl how to live her life? Since when does it concern you?"

"You girls are so beautiful. You could do a lot better than her."

"Shut up already," Jennie said as she rolled her eyes. "Why do you feel the need to say such mean things about our girlfriend? So what if she likes to wear men's clothes and has short hair? It's her life, not yours!"


"No," Jisoo said as she clenched her jaw. "Is it your body that those clothes are going on? Is it your hair? Is it your life? No? That's what I thought. How she chooses to dress and live her life doesn't affect you in any way shape or form. She's beautiful just the way she is."

"You're telling me that you find this to be attractive?" The lady scoffed.

"A hell of a lot more attractive than you are and will ever be," Jennie answered, causing the woman to gasp.

"She's perfect just as she is. We'll love her just as much if someday, she wants to grow her hair out and it's all the way down to her feet. We'll love her if she chooses to wear sexy lingerie and dresses. If that happens, we will love her just the way we love her right now. But she doesn't have to do that to be beautiful, because she already is. In the clothes that she loves to wear and her short, beautiful hair. She's perfect just as she is. She doesn't need to change." Jisoo said.

"And if people like you can't handle it, then walk away and keep your unwanted opinion to yourself. If she's happy and comfortable in her own skin, then that's all that matters. Why should she have to wear a dress to feel good about herself? All we ever want is for her to be happy and confident. If this is what makes her happy, then she should never change, and especially not for people like you." Jennie said as she kissed your cheek.

"People like me?" The lady scoffed again.

"Yeah. Bitter, unhappy people who can't just let people live their lives and be happy. Miserable people like you." Jennie said. "Now, you should just go buy that shirt for your son and get on with your day."

She stormed away right after Jennie said that and you breathed out a sigh of relief before hugging her and Jisoo tightly.

"Thank you so much."

"Oh, baby, there's no need to thank us," Jisoo said.

"We'll always be here to protect you and stand up for you. No one is ever going to talk like that to you and get away with it." Jennie assured as she rubbed your back comfortingly.

"And we meant every word that we said. You're perfect, Y/N. Just as you are. Please, never change." Jisoo said as she kissed your head softly.

"I won't." You assured them as you pulled away from them with a grin. "I'm getting this shirt." You said as you grabbed it from the rack.

"And you will rock it, baby!" Jennie grinned.

"You are going to look so good. I can't wait to see you in it!" Jisoo excitedly said as you pulled them to the checkout with you.

That miserable older woman wasn't going to bother you.

You would keep living your life just as you are without a care in the world and your girls will continue to love you and remind you that you're absolutely perfect just the way you are.

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