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this font-thoughts.

The name Chris is common right? Yeah course it is. Out of all the people named Chris in the world,why was I standing in front of Chris Evans.
Had to be a mistake right,or someone who just looked like him. Theres no way the Chris Evans is a foster parent,never mind mine.

''Mr.Evans'' Patrick stated holding out his hand.

''Chris please'' He said,shaking Patricks hand, ''come in''.

We went inside and into the kitchen. It wasn't very large,but it had a island with high chairs like in a bar. I had other foster family's who have had them in their houses and thought they were so cool.

I sat on the chair next to Patrick,Chris sitting facing us.
''Oh sorry,I'm Chris'' Chris introduced himself.

''Ellen'' I said,as confident as I could. I think it came out more shy though.
Patrick started rambling about foster things I never understand.
Why was I so nervous?

I've been here before. Lived in so many homes,group homes,city's even another country. As I got older,I got more and more nervous each foster home. Today was no different.

"Alright I'll leave you two be,I'll come visit some point next week,you have my number also'' Patrick announces,getting up from the stool.

This may be the first time I have ever wanted Patrick not to leave.
He turned to me and gave me a fist bump. It was our thing,I know we're weird.

''See you soon,don't give up yet'' He says quietly,before following Chris out.

I was left alone in the kitchen for a moment before Chris came back. He sat in the same seat as before.

Shockingly, there wasn't an awkward silence.

''I like your hair. Natural curls?''

''Yeah." I laugh.

"Yeah it's very nice",Chris laughed,I like him.

''How long have you been in the system?''

''Since I was ten,I came here when I was eleven though''.

''Where were you before that''?


"Wow,bet that was different''.

''It is,I was taken here because my dads family was here but it didn't work out'' I say,mad I even brought it up,I hate talking about them.

''What's it like in California I have only really been for shooting,nothing else"Chris questioned.


''It really is"

We both laughed this time.
''Hey I need to go into set tomorrow. You're okay with coming, right?'' Chris started again.

''yeah, of course'' I say. My face must have changed for the better when I said that because Chris was now beaming.

Out of nowhere,a dog came into the

''Oh that's Dodger by the way'' He said.
Dodger jumped up and placed his paw on my thighs,tail wagging.
''Hello Dodger'' I say quietly,petting him.

I promise,a pinky promise ||A Chris Evans fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now