outside we go💅😌

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I had just woke up to a crying zayla so I got up went to the bathroom grabbed a towel then went it then went the soap then put the soap on the towel then began washing my face then I took out my toothbrush and wet it with hot water then put some toothpaste on it then I put the toothpaste back up then I began brushing my tongue then brushed my teeth once I got finished I wiped my face got the mouthwash out my suitcase and goggled the mouthwash all the way back to my throat then I spit it on then I walked back into the room I was staying in and then I picked up zayla then I headed to the kitchen then I got her out some baby food then fed her then I went back into the room I was staying in then got her a outfit from her duffle bag then I walked into the connected bathroom then I ran her some warm water then put the baby tub in the tub then I walked back into the room picked her up walked back into the bathroom and took off her clothes then put her in her baby tub then I went back into the room and got her bath toys out her duffle bag then I walked back into the bathroom and put them in the tub with her then after letting her play for about 15 minutes I washed her body twice to make sure she was clean then I got her out the tub and wrapped her drying off towel around her then I walked back back into the room and dried her off then I put some lotion on her then I put her outfit on then I laid her down for a nap so I could take my bath I went into my suitcase and picked me out a a black crop top with some black sweat pants with pink and yellow butterflies on them I then hopped in the shower then washed my body three time and also washed my hair since it's been a while after I got done showering I dried off then put on some lotion then I put on my bra and panties then I put on my outfit then I went into the room and got out my curling iron then walked back into the bathroom and plugged it up then I dried my hair then did light curls then I unplugged it then let it cool down then picked it up and put it back up then I walked into my room grabbed my phone and then picked up zayla went downstairs then I grabbed my purse off the table and put my phone in it the put my purse back down on the table I walked to the downstairs closet and got zayla stroller out of it then closed the door back then I put her in it then fastened it then I grabbed my purse with my keys and phone inside then walked out the door then closed it the got my keys out of my purse then locked the door time skip me and zayla had just got back home and I decided to tell von what had happen because her is my bestie so I grabbed my phone then texted him

I had just woke up to a crying zayla so I got up went to the bathroom grabbed a towel then went it then went the soap then put the soap on the towel then began washing my face then I took out my toothbrush and wet it with hot water then put some t...

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After I got done talking to von I went and put on my pajamas and went to sleep beside Zayla

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