Jayme Hargreeves x gn!reader

Começar do início

"Great job, Number 6. I really liked the determination.  You on the other hand number 2. You really need to work on gloating after you win not before you get your ass kicked," Reg said and Number 2 looked embarrassed after what his father said. "Now everyone this is Y/N. Y/N this is the Sparrow Academy." He then pointed out who everyone was. He pointed to a boy with a buzz cut and dark complexion. He looked like the strongest on the team. "That is number one." Makes sense since he radiates this sort of leadership aura. He then pointed at Mr. Octopus "that's number 2." He then pointed to a girl with curly hair who had scars on her face and sunglasses. "That is number 3" she slightly smiled but I knew that she just wanted to seem nice. Then he pointed at a boy with black hair. He smiled a kind smile. "Number 4." Then he gestured to a girl with light brown hair and she smiled a beautiful smile and waved a small wave "number 5." He then gestured to the girl who was kneeling earlier.

"Let me guess she's number 6 and the other guy over there," I said while gesturing to a floating box "is number 7." What I don't understand is how someone gave birth to a floating box. That must've been really uncomfortable and painful. Poor lady.

"Yes that is correct. Now you all might be wondering why I brought Y/N here. That is because they are like a child to me. Their dad was like a brother to me so you all better treat them with respect or else you will regret it." They all nodded at him like he was Sergeant in the army or something. I even felt compelled to salute him. "They will also be showing you somethings that I think you should learn. Now get into your fighting pose." They all did what he said and he walked around them like they were pieces of art. "Y/N feel free to correct their form if needed," he said and I nodded walking around with my hands behind my back.

"Number 5 you need to bend your knees down a little bit more. The reason is because you want to be able to move fast and agile and you want to be able to overtake your opponent," I corrected politely and she instantly fixed her form. "Number 6 hands up just a little more. You want to protect your face but not block your eyes so you are able to see your opponent." I corrected her gently. She moved her hands but they were still not in the correct position. I walked up to her. "May I?" I asked her if I could touch her. She looked surprised but still nodded. I gently grabbed her wrists and put them high enough so she could protect her face more.

I let go of her wrists and walked away from her slowly. I don't know why but I felt an attraction to her like she was a mangent and I was a piece of metal. I walked over to number 1. "You might want to move your elbows out more," I suggested politely.

"Look I get that my siblings need you to correct their forms but mine is perfect so you can just move right along," he snapped and the room was suddenly filled with tension. I stepped back from him and straightened up. I was taller than him and he didn't scare me.

"Listen I gave you a suggestion. If you don't want it that's fine but don't be surprised if you get into a fight and someone breaks your ribs because you believe that everything you do is perfect. If you want to get hurt then go right ahead but if I were I would pull that stick out of your ass and listen to someone else for once," I said with a calm voice. I then walked around and nodded in approval seeing that there were no other modifications to be made. "Reg you did a great job teaching these students," I said and then turned towards Pogo "you too Pogo. I'm impressed. Thank you for showing me this."

"The pleasure is all mine Y/N. Now do you want to spar one of them? It would be good for them... And for you," he asked and I thought about it.

"Yeah sure. It doesn't hurt to try," I agreed. And then he smiled and turned to his children.

"Which one of you want to fight Y/N?" He asked and they all raised their hands but number 1 stepped forward.

"I volunteer and besides I am number 1 so if I can't beat her then no one else can," he answered with confidence and I hated his bullshit answer. Just because he's the first number doesn't mean that the others aren't strong too. I looked at Reg and he approved.

"Reg can I borrow a gi? It would be hard to fight in this outfit," I asked politely and he nodded. Then one of his children gave you one of their gi's. (If you are afab then Sloan gave you a gi and some clothes to wear under it and if you are amab then Alphonso gave you a gi and some clothes to wear under).

I quickly changed in the bathroom and then walked out into the dojo while tying my belt. I then stood in front of number 1 in my fighting stance. I then gestured him to come forward. He ran forward and threw a punch. I quickly fucked under and threw a right hook to his rib. He stumbled backwards with a grunt.

"Like I said. You can take my suggestion or you can get your ass kicked. Choose wisely. After all you're number one so you would know what's best right?" I said with a smirk. He then ran forward and grabbed his arm and judo flipped him. I bent down and put my forearm on his neck. He didn't give up easily he grabbed my arm and pulled it off then got up and punched me hard in the face. I looked back at him and tried to ignore the pain in my jaw. I then ran forward and jumped on his back using my momentum to take him down. I started to choke him and he used his elbow to hit me right in the rib. I let go of the choke and he turns around and tries to choke me.

"Come on tap out. I know you want to," he said trying to get me to give up. I lifted my hand like I was going to tap out and his smile got wider. I then turned and looked at number 6 and winked at her. I then looked at number 1 again and kicked him in the nuts and put him in an armbar. He quickly tapped out and I let go of him. Number 6 smirked at me and I tried not to smile.

-Later that day-

I changed back into my clothes and had dinner with the Academy. I finished eating and took my plate to the kitchen when someone walked behind me. They then whispered in my ear, "you didnt tell me you knew my father or who you really were." I then turned around and saw Jayme.

"Says the person who didn't tell me who they really were. You could've told me who you were. Come on you are in the Sparrow Academy. That's incredible. You didn't need to hide that from me, Jay. You know I love you and I would never see you differently just because you are a superhero," I said looking at my girlfriend.

"Well you should've told me that my partner is a badass fighter. Which was really hot by the way. And besides you just met my family. Can you blame me for hiding this from you?" She asked and to be honest I didn't blame her. I sighed in defeat and she smiled. "Also when are we going to tell my dad about us? I don't want to sneak around anymore. I just want to be with you. Out in the open for all the world to see that Number 6 is taken. Forever."

"We can tell him soon. I want to spend some more time with my girlfriend before her meddling family annoys the crap out of us," I said and then kissed her on the lips and I felt her smile into the kiss.

Written: 7/27/22
Words: 2154

Multifandom ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora