Chapter 1- The Search

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The past

Y/n Pov 

I walked out of the relaxing hot shower trying to figure out what happened and where Tony was. I looked in the mirror and saw I had a scar that went through my eye. I got a few flashbacks of me fighting someone but the rest was blurry. Then I realised that I was blind in that eye. "What on earth happened, I never did physical things and what did I just remember." There was a sound coming from the other room. "Who's there!?" I said scared but I felt ready to fight. A Russian accent said "Natasha Romanoff we escaped together?" I walked out of the bathroom making sure I was covered with the towel. “Escaped from what” The woman turned around and faced me and smiled slightly “It’s probably best you don’t remember” I looked at her confused but I nodded “Can you tell me what happened to my eye” I said looking down. “Well you saved me from a fight and took a knife to the eye” I laughed “That’s something my brother would do I’m no hero” Natsaha stepped to me “Trust me you saved me many of times”

Present Time 

Y/n Pov 

I woke up in my flat and walked to the bathroom and slashed myself with hot water. I sighed and looked at the mirror. I had white hair, it was short and I don't know why my hair changed to white, I didn't dye my hair. It happened over sometime. I always started to complain that I was cold even if I was covered in 2 thick blankets. I looked down at my scars and teared up a little. "You saved me many times" that's what she said how come I don't remember saving her at all. 

Natasha's Pov

Clint and I were on a mission to see if we could find any information on Y/n Stark location. Clint looked confused at a box then back at the folder he was holding. "Nat I found her file but it's labelled as the Red Room" I quickly looked at her file "Project Winter Widow" I said with a slight tone of worry in my voice. Clint and I began reading through the file. "Let me get this straight, one side is an innocent scientist, the other a murder created by hydra" Clint said. I nodded. "I knew her during my time there, she was quiet, sweet, extremely shy and hates being touched unless she was really close with that person" I smiled a little remembering her. "I never knew she was a Stark, she didn't tell anyone her last name" I said looking at Clint. But he seems startled by something "For unknown reasons the project had to shut down" He said then scanned further down the page. "Winter Widow, shut down due to Mental and Physical issues caused. Suspect complained about always being cold, having fainted many times because of hypothermia, and the final reason Y/n and Willow do not work together" He said looking sad. "They broke her every way possible just to try and it work even used infinity stones then tossed her way to the being an assassin because she seemed a perfect partner for the Black Widow. They didn't remove her uterus as they planned to use her children to re-open the Winter Widow project" I nodded and pulled the folder away from Clint "Please stop reading her life story no one should hear what the red room did or does it changes people" Clint nodded "Brought somethings back didn't it?" I sighed and walked off "Let's just go tell Tony we found what we were looking for." 

Please let me know if I should continue this I like this idea but quite afaird not that many will enjoy it.

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