Not a Chapter-Quiz Answers

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Well, we've wrapped up two major plot ribbons—Tennant's evil schemes and the mysterious astrarium clock—and tied them off with a bow. I know I keep adding chapters to this story, but the end is in sight!

Today I present the answers to the Darkwood Wand Quote Quiz. For each answer, I've included the chapter where the quote appeared as well. [Hermione loves annotations.]

I listed 21 quotes from "The Darkwood Wand" and asked my Quote Quizees to name each speaker. Many of their answers also included the circumstances—such as who the speaker said it to, and where, and maybe who they're talking about.

Thank you for playing!



1. "Let me get this straight. You're carrying on a romance with a not-fun wizard with a harlequin wand and dropping things on his head."

Neville to Hermione. They were in the Gryffindor Common room with the Cringing Vine, talking about Draco.

2. "You aren't mad, are you, love? Come kiss and make up."

Tennant to Draco in their bedroom. A drunk Tennant was trying to get Draco to leave the bed and talk to him about Hermione.

3. "How could this be happening? On a school night?"

Hermione to herself. Draco was kissing her after assuming she'd landed in his bed on purpose to shag him.

4. "The gargoyles appear distressed. Please advise."

Narcissa in a letter to Draco. Malfoy Manor is acting up again; Narcissa thinks it's because Draco is in danger. Draco believes the house doesn't like the recent renovations.

5. "That's a lovely stinger, Mr. Malfoy."

Isobel to Draco in the library. He was purposely screwing up his drawing of a manticore to get her attention.

6. "I'm looking for nothing. Like the dog that wouldn't bark."

Ginny to Hermione in the Entrance Hall. She was referring to the Sherlock Holmes story "The Adventure of Silver Blaze."

7. "Purity sounds strong, but it's really weak."

Isobel to Draco in the infirmary. She'd apparently been talking to Justin about the astrarium clock.

8. "Have some sausage, Hermione."

Pavarti Patil to Hermione in the Great Hall. She'd noticed looks between Hermione and Justin and assumed they were an item.

9. "See, Ministry, I can be a benefit to society."

Draco to himself, thinking about how he'd teach eager girls his great sex techniques.

10. "He's not staying here! He'll murder me in my sleep and eat my face!"

Draco to Hermione. She'd brought Crookshanks with her to his bed.

11. "I swear that big ponytail has eyes."

Tennant to Draco by the statue of Dumbledore. Tennant is sharing his big plan to nab Hermione.

12. "Plain vanilla, with a side of bossy."

Romilda to Hermione under the influence of Veritaserum. She's describing her sex life with Draco.

13. "I was built to suffer."

The Grumpy Staircase to Hermione. The staircase had just saved her from Tennant.

14. "It's pretty tight in there. I can't get my fingers in. Move a little bit so I can get a better angle."

Draco to Hermione in her bedroom. They're trying to retrieve a tiny copper Jupiter from the crevices of her bed.

15. "Somehow, I am not reassured."

Hermione to Draco upon her first arrival in his bed, when he kisses her and feels her up and then tells her that it's him.

16. "I've very much enjoyed getting to know you, and it's nice to see you're not steeped in evil."

I confess, this is one of my favorite lines in the book. Isobel to Draco at the Ravenclaw party. She's breaking up with him via a written statement.

17. "I'm surprised you can feed yourself without your wand."

Hermione to Draco in Divination. They're arguing about Post-It notes.

18. "Nobody needs eight NEWTs."

Harry to Hermione in a letter.

19. "You two appear a bit high-strung to be having regular sex. Perhaps you're doing it wrong."

Luna to Hermione in a greenhouse. They're talking about Hermione and Draco, of course.

20. "This wand will demand honor, Mr. Malfoy, which means you are capable of such."

Ollivander to Draco in the Divination Tower. He's talking about the Darkwood Wand.


"I was promised a first-class education. Sadly, that has not been the case."

This is a tricky one. It's Tennant  to Hermione in an alcove, but he's Polyjuiced as Draco.

SCORING: Which Wand Do You Get?

See which wand you've earned. 1 point for each correct answer.

18-21 Darkwood
13-17 Harlequin
8-11 Vinewood
6-10 Hawthorne
1-5 Snakewood
0 Stick

NEXT UP: Draco gains a surprising new ally. 

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