Tall Guys (Hinata Shouyo x Reader)

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The wind tonight was sharp and nipped at Hinata's skin. Despite how much he tossed and turned on his bed, he hadn't managed to get his eyes to rest and fall into the dreamland. His sheets made him feel like he was burning when it was over his body or freezing when it was off. He was not comfortable at all, no matter how he tried. He had given up eventually and settled on walking down the street this late! As he cascaded down the hill without his bike, he could not take his mind off her. The new girl in his class was mysterious. They had never really spoken beforehand and they were next to strangers, in fact, he consistently found himself fumbling over his words when he saw her in the hallways. He felt lost on what he could do to get her attention.Her face was always neutral, not giving way to too much emotion yet once in a while her eyes would close while her lips curled into a smile when she was with her friends. His heart felt butterflies when it happened that fateful day, he almost thought he would collapse from the sight. Each passing day made him fall more and more."She likes tall guys", Kageyama said before sipping his milk from a straw. "Wha- how could you possibly know that!", Hinata yelled loudly in a shocked tone. "I heard it from one of her friends during lunch", Kageyama said. Hinata's heart shattered that day. Everything seemed like they were picking on his height! Sports, people, opponents and now even she didn't want him because he was short! He laughed sarcastically at his predicament. He was walking with no destination in mind in the cold thinking about her. "Such a bummer", he thought as he kicked and stray stone on the ground and looked in the sky breathing out heavy air. The white gas left his chapped lips as he tightened his hold on the jacket he was wearing. Before he knew it, he could see the provision shop that his coach run. A feminine figure laid up against it! He walked towards the shop unfazed not bothered by his environment. After all, he'd pondered, he could go for a small bag of chips right now. The woman was on her phone, not paying attention and before he knew it, she had waked into him. Their bodies connected and she had fallen on top of him. He winced in pain before slowly looking at her. It was her! They lay on the sidewalk and yet, none of them had moved an inch. Their breaths were felt on each others faces. Time had slowed down for them both allowing them to just exist in each other's arms briefly. She quickly realised how awkward it must have been and got up to collect herself. Multiple bows were exchanged between them with apologies spewing from their mouths. "I was about to leave, but I'll have to get you something for that accident. Please follow me", She said as she slowly walked to the entrance of the store before looking back at him. Hinata was speechless barely able to think of coherent sentences. All he could feel were the butterflies that danced in his stomach as she hurried back to him, took his hand lightly and gently pulled him with her into the store.

A/n: Paid commissions are open! Dm me for more info!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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