He pondered her words for a moment. "There is something that troubles me.. the day you left the Hospital Wing and had a less than favorable interaction with Ms. Parkinson; why did you run to Professor Snape of all people?"

Edan had spent a lot of time contemplating this as well. In fact, she'd recently learned a lot about her curse in general. First, it was clear that physical pain made the intensity of the curse lesson. Which was a good thing when she was endangering others but wasn't so pleasant for the situation she found herself in with Greyback. Secondly, she realized she was also physically stronger. It wasn't only the ability to use unknown curses or her appearance that changed. The last one was most intriguing. It seemed obvious that Professor Snape was the only person who was able to calm her down during her episodes; much like her father had been able to do for her mother. 

The final realization wasn't one she wanted to divulge to anyone. Edan shrugged. "I don't know. I'd spent a lot of time assisting him during The Holiday that it become an almost automatic response." She lied feeling a bit guilty for doing so especially considering she'd gotten so upset by Remus' lies. 

She silently rejoiced when he didn't question her further. "That does make a lot of sense. I appreciate you explaining it to me." Remus said with a smile. Edan reached out and took his hand in hers. "Would you like to spend the evening with me, tomorrow is another full moon which means I'll be out the next few days." 

Her smile widened considerably. "I'd like that."

Remus left first for his chambers in order to avoid suspicion. Edan decided to take the time to find The Boys who she hadn't spent much time with recently. She checked The Great Hall, their dormitory and the quidditch pitch. They were nowhere to be found. Disappointed Edan decided she'd pay Professor Snape a visit to apologize for the scene she caused. 

Her decision to do so resulted in her finding Fred and George. They, unsurprisingly, had detention with Professor Snape. She made a point of knocking this time considering the last time she had burst in he wasn't particularly happy. "Enter." Edan sheepishly walked through the door. Fred and George grinned madly at her and waved. "Focus on your lines!" Snape shouted at them. He then motioned for Edan to step closer to him where he sat at his desk. 

"I wanted to apologize for listening in on your private conversation. I should not have caused a scene." Edan whispered quietly. 

Professor Snape looked up at her peeking around at the twins to be sure they were focused on their detention assignment. He set his quill down. "It's a habit you should break. I stand by my statement however. We were discussing a private matter in a public setting."

Edan raised a brow at him. "Well, I guess." She hesitated for a second questioning whether she should even ask what was on her mind. "I shouldn't ask but I can't help but wondering Professor.. was Remus right? Are you only mentoring me as a way to upset him. I'm sorry, I know it's a silly thing to ask. I shouldn't be asking it." She sighed exasperated feeling awfully stupid.

"I won't lie and say it's not amusing to rile up Lupin. That was not my motive, it's simply a perk. Ms. Wilkies you are talented in potion making." Professor Snape said picking up his quill once again. He actively was avoiding looking at her. "Do not repeat that to anyone." He snarled but Edan could tell his voice did not carry any genuine malice. 

"Good night Professor." Edan said politely. She waved at Fred and George before departly. 

Enough time had reasonably passed for Edan to make her way down to Remus chambers. She knocked quickly at the door before slipping inside as she'd done many times before. He was standing at his study desk looking down at the Marauders Map. "I still can't believe Harry managed to get that confiscated so quickly. We had it for years without getting caught."

Remus jumped sightly at the sound of her voice. "You startled me." 

Edan laughed at that and walked up to glance at the map herself. "What are you looking for?" His face darkened, he was visibly upset. "Remus, what's wrong?" She placed her hand gently on his arm.

"I've seen something unbelievable on the map, Edan. I don't know what to think." He sat down laid down on his bed pulling Edan down beside him. She nestled into his chest comfortably. It made her happy that he trusted her enough to share. "When Sirius Black murder Pettigrew it made it clear to me he was responsible for James and Lily's demise. Except - when I confiscated this map Harry mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the map. I have seen him a few times myself. Edan, as you know, this map is never wrong. I'm concerned that Sirius was wrongly imprisoned and for so many years I let him rot in Azkaban." His body was tense which was obvious to Edan. She could tell her was carrying around an abundance of guilt. 

"Remus you can't blame yourself for his imprisonment. You had no reason to think differently." Edan responded kindly. He relaxed deeply at her comforting words. "So, what are we going to do about this Pettigrew?" 

Remus chuckled kissing her for the first time in days. "Let me worry about that Edan. You have your O.W.L.S to worry about. Besides I have other plans for this evening that don't involve Sirius Black or Pettigrew.

Edan giggled as he pulled her on top of him before shutting out the light. 

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