°•-| SCENARIO 01: "How Your Boyfriend meets You" |-•°

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"~How Your Boyfriend Meets You~"

(NOTE: Y/n = Your Name , e/c = Eye Color)

Peter's POV

It's the usual sunny day. Summer is here and the heat is unbearable. Can't stop me from wearing my warm clothes though.

I walked the streets with my hood up and scanned the surroundings. It's not that I'm new to the area, I just barely come here. It's a 2 hour drive from my place. I'm even questioning myself on how I got here.

As I was strolling on the sidewalk, I spot a greasy spoon diner across the road. I was just about to leave it alone and be on my way until my stomach lets out a growl. I'm hungry.

I sighed, annoyed at the fact that I didn't eat breakfast beforehand. After looking both sides and crossing the street, I get to the glass windows and scan the insides for a good few seconds before deciding to go in.

And just as I was about to open the door, someone had the audacity to bump into me. Damn idiot. "Hey, watch it!", I let out an annoyed growl as I scolded them.

"I-I'm very sorry, sir! I- Sorry but I'm really in a hurry... Gosh, I'm already late... Again, SORRY!", the person apologized, shouting the last 2 words as she sprinted inside the Diner. I, on the other hand, had frozen in my place.

Her voice was angelic and her beautiful (e/c) eyes.. oh, how I got easily lost in them the moment our eyes met.
Even if it was only for a few minutes.. and even if I didn't give a clear reply to her apology, those few seconds that she spoke to me felt heavenly. Although I couldn't seem to understand why I was feeling such huge emotions for something so simple.

No. I looked back at the plastic glass door to see her putting an apron on. I don't think someone like her is simple. In fact, she seemed to be the exact opposite. She looked divine.. flawless, PERFECT even.

I felt as if I was in the presence of a Goddess by the mere sight of her.



We were destined to meet!
Yes. Why else would she have bumped into me?

We've even locked our eyes at each other for even just a few seconds. She loves me. She doesn't know it yet but... But I know that she WILL love me!

And I'll love her.

I'll love her for all eternity.

I smiled as I walked away from the diner, forgetting about my hunger for food... That isn't important for the time being. I've got a new type of hunger to satisfy. My hunger for her love, her affection.... My hunger for HER.

She's mine. And I'm her Boyfriend.
That's how it is from now on.

But before I could be out of sight from the Diner's windows, I got a glimpse of her name tag...



"...Oh, (Y/n), my Darling~"

Your Boyfriend {PETER x Female! READER} SCENARIOS/HEADCANONSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora