Tal chuckled and pulled up to Col

"Hop in the car evil knievel, let's go ride the roller coasters"

Columbus smiled and climbed in the back & Tal rode off.

When we arrived freaks we're surrounding the place. Tal opened his door and looked out while Col buckled himself in.





"I think they might actually require our assistance this time"

Tal sat back down

"Buckle up"

"Yup, way ahead of you" Col said while Tal & I buckled up.

He sped off toward the amusement park. I unzipped the gun bag and picked out a M16 Rifle.

"So what exactly is the plan here? There is a whole fucking lot of deadheads out there and only 3 of us" I said while laying the gun down on my lap.

"Don't worry gurly I got a plan, just make sure it's the two of you that don't die" Tal chuckled while glancing at the two of us.

"Tch, it's him you gotta worry about" I smiled

I roll down my window as we get close then I poke my top half out and start shooting zombies.

Tallahassee glances back at me and smirks.

"God, you are hot" he said quietly

I blush but then shake my head and get back into the car.

Tal stops and backs up over the zombies I killed then drives forward and over them again.

"Y'know, my mama told me when I was little that she knew I would be great at something..." Tal starts

"Who'da thought it would be killing zombies?" Tal smirks and glances at Col

"Uh, N-no one" Col chuckles and shakes his head

The car came to a halt so we all jumped out quickly. Tal grabbed a Tactical Vest, a shotgun, a SMG, and 2 dessert eagles. Col had his shotgun ready in his hands. As for me once I hopped off the car I threw my M16 over my shoulder with the strap.

Tal was getting ready for his plan, putting on the vest and strapping in his guns. He walked a few steps away from us then turned around. I now saw he had a air horn in his hands and a smile forming on his face.

"What are you-" he cut me off with a blare from the air horn. I covered my ears with my hands, in disbelief, was he trying to get us killed??

"COME ON! COME GET A PIECE OF TALLAHASSEE! ANYBODY HUNGRY?? TALLAHASSEE'S NICE THIS TIME OF YEAR!" He yelled while blaring the horn in between sentences.

I stared at him and smiled wide I couldn't help laughing, of course this was his plan.

"COME ON YOU UGLY BASTARDS!" We both looked at each other for a few seconds. We both had big grin's on our faces, I was slightly blushing.

Col stood next to me as confused but also amused as I am.

Our confusion turned into horror though as we saw a horde of zombies start to run after Tal.

"Holy shit!"

"Tallahassee!" I screamed while taking a step forward. Col grabbed my arm, his eyes wide and filled with fear.

"He'll be fine but we have to go!" He tugged me away a few steps



Rule 32: Enjoy the little things जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें