Greyback chuckled at the comment. "As if I would reveal that information to you. I'm only here for the girl, I'd like to finish what I started." 

"That's not going to happen." Remus retaliated with a raise of his wand. 

Greyback pulled his out as well. "It seems like this girl is rather important to you Remus. Perhaps you're more in tune for you animalistic self then you like to admit." Edan furrowed her brow at that. The comment made no sense to her. She wondered what Greyback could possibly be trying to say. He must have noticed her confused expression and pounced at the opportunity. " Hasn't he told you? Remus is a werewolf, just like me. In fact, I was the one who infected him." 

It was an odd time for Edan's curse to finally take effect. A wave of anger rushed over her more quickly than ever before. She lunged at Greyback, seemingly forgetting she had a wand to use, and wrapped her hands around his throat. This lead to her discovery that she was significantly stronger physically when under the curses effects. The shock was evident on his face as he realized how strong she had become. 

His nails suddenly dug into her upper arms as he clawed at her struggling to breath. The paid brought her out of her trance which he noticed instantly. Remus grabbed her as Greyback tossed her aside. Grey back was fact, casting a shield charm to counter Remus non-verbal spell. 

For a moment Remus faltered which gave Greyback the opportunity to cast his own offensive spell. "Incarcerous" He shouted rendering Remus unmobile. He lost his balance then and tumbled to the floor. 

Greyback was suddenly blasted backwards. Edan looked over his shoulder to see Professor Dumbledore had entered the hall accompanied by McGonagall. 

Edan quickly worked to untangle the ropes wrapped around Remus then enveloped him in a tight hug. Dumbledore strode past them to deal with Greyback personally. McGonagall approached and helped the pair to their feet. At the point the adrenaline coursing through Edan's veins faded and succumbed to the fatigue her bloodloss had cost her. 

When she awoke again her body was bandaged up significantly. "Thank Merlin, you're awake." Remus said from a chair directly at her bedside. Edan rolled over and took his hand. "Are you feeling alright? Madam Pomfrey did the best she could to mend your injuries, she thinks once they heal further she'll be able to lessen the scaring they'll likely cause." 

"That would be nice." Edan spoke softly still feeling incredibly drained.

"You should know, Greyback was telling the truth." Remus said sheepishly. "It's why I didn't want you staying for The Holiday. There was a full moon which would have been difficult to hide with so few students around to keep you busy." 

"You should have told me. Did you think you'd be able to hide it from me forever?" Edan questioned wondering if this meant Remus did not see their relationship surviving long term.  

He shrugged. "I was trying to find the right time. After all, I am the same creature that murdered your parents."

Edan sat up slightly. "Remus, I don't care about that. You may be the same creature but you aren't Greyback. There is a great difference between the two of you." Remus' body sagged in relief, he must have been convinced that she would want nothing to do with him once she found out. "Would you kiss me already?" 

He leaned over and kissed her gently. There was a sudden grunt from behind the curtain surrounding Edan's bed. Remus pulled away and she blushed slightly at the sight of Professor Snape. "May I have a word with Ms. Wilkies?" He asked curtly.

"I'll come back later." Remus murmured before departing. 

"I see you and your little boyfriend have reconciled." Professor Snape said standing stiffly at the end of my bed. "I do hope I am not about to lose the only barely company I've had lately. You are as incompetent as my other students who fail at potion making."

Edan grinned up at him. "Sorry sir, you're stuck with me. Once I'm free to go I'll be right back to your classroom to annoy you." For a moment she thought he may return her grin instead he turned to leave. 

Professor Snape paused for a moment. "I am relieved that you are alright." Then he swept away leaving Edan surprised at his admission. She'd never expected Professor Snape would actually care for her on any level. 

Edan had many visitors throughout her stay in the Hospital Wing. Hermione most of all. She was rather distraught about an incident that occurred during a Care of Magical Creatures class. "It's just awful Edan. Buckbeak did nothing wrong, he simply acted in his natural nature." 

Edan had to agree, this was the fault of Draco not Hagrid or Buckbeak. "It is awful Hermione."

"We're helped Hagrid with an appeal but they dismissed it. Buckbeak's been sentenced to death this coming Saturday." Hermione said rather glum flopping down on Edan's bed. That was only three days away. 

Edan rubbed Hermione back in an attempt to console her. "Ms. Wilkies! You're free to go." Madam Pomfrey said approaching the bed. "Take it easy for a while and for the love of Merlin eat something!"

As the two made their way up to the tower they came across that snot nosed Pansy Parkinson. Of course everyone had heard about the drama that happened while everyone else was gone on Holiday. "Is it true you're a werewolf now, Wilkies?" She sneered. Edan tried to ignored her but Pansy gripped her arm as she passed. "You're a freak, you know that? It's only a matter of time before you're thrown from the school." 

"Shove off Pansy." Hermione grumbled from behind Edan. Pansy looked at the scars on Edan's hand and then her face. She laughed such a twisted laugh that Edan almost snapped. Instead, she ripped her arms away and ran in the direction of Professor Snape's classroom. 

She wasn't sure why that was the destination she'd decided on but in the moment it seemed like the most reasonable. As Edan ran she heard a voice calling out her name but she didn't stop. Not until she burst through Professor Snape's classroom panting slightly. 

"Ms. Wilkies! Knock before entering my classroom. What if I had a class at the moment? Snape snapped at her. She fidgeted uncomfortably at his tone, wondering if she made the wrong decision coming to him. "I anticipated you would have a difficult day. I heard Ms. Parkinson spreading some misinformation about you. It's the first Slytherin I've awarded a detention to."

Edan nodded and sat down on a stool with her head laid down. She couldn't imagine attending classes tomorrow, the thought of receiving more shit from her fellow classmates was less than desirable. "I don't even know why I fought him off to be perfectly honest." She admitted. 

"Do not say that." Snape grumbled. "You are lucky to be alive. Your parents would not want you to have the same fate as them. Don't let me catch you saying something so absurd again." He wrapped his hand around her shoulder rather tightly in a sort of comforting way as Edan cried quietly.

Edan felt ashamed at her declaration. The class door opened once again and Remus wondered in. "It seems you and Ms. Wilkies don't know how to knock." Snape said as he removed his hand. 

Edan quickly wiped her eyes. "Hello Remus."

"I called your name in the corridor." 

"I thought I heard something but I was in a bit of a rush." 

Remus rose an eyebrow at that statement. "In a rush to get to Professor Snape?" Edan wasn't sure how to explain her decision to come here considering she didn't know why either. It seemed almost like an automatic reaction. "I have a lesson." Remus stated and without another word he departed.

Edan sensed he felt a certain hostility toward her relationship with Snape. It was perfectly normal, a Professor taking the time to mentor a student interested in learning more about potion making. It was the original reason behind the situation but it was why she continued with it after her friends returned. It seemed that all the couple did lately was argue much to Edan's disappointment. 

"You didn't chase after him like some pathetic little puppy dog." Snape observed.

Edan shrugged. "I don't have the energy for another argument." 

Snape nodded. "Help me prepare some ingredients for my 2nd year lesson tomorrow." Edan happily obliged. 

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