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It's a dream. This is definitely a dream, he thinks.

"Don't be ridiculous, Brian. Of course this is not a dream."

The door behind them closes and dissipates into thin air leaving nothing behind.
It made a plop sound as it disappeared and Brian thinks it's cute.

They stand side by side as they take in their surrounding. The sky was very blue, and the sun...it was smiling down at them. No jokes. There are weird little creatures going about the colorful forest they're in.

Stewie looks bored compared to him. Brian thinks its because he's not used to this very fairytale-y environment. The kid despises fairytales.

Brian follows him around the forest where everywhere he looks it's like a freaking rainbow bomb exploded in it. It's still breathtaking though, and he reminds himself to write about this when they get back.

"What are we looking for, anyway?" Brian asks.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you DON'T know?"

Stewie makes an irritated sound and turns to face him. Brian looks down at him.

"It's not like I wrote a script on this, you stupid dog!"

Closed Doors(Family Guy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now