Chapter ten: Mask

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It's dinner time. Xander already took you to the cafeteria. You sit by Beatrice, who just looks at you and smiles. You can tell she is better, but still upset. What would happen if Loomis actually learns about this? What would he do to Bet? You don't want to lose one of your friends here.

"Hey, Bet. What's up? How are you?" you ask her. "Nothing really, I'm good. What about you?" she answers. She sounds way more cheered up than looking like it. You can't tell if she's pretending or not, though. "I'm good too." you say, quietly. "Actually, I found something very interesting in the library. It was Xander's diary! I found it and, guess what, you won't believe it! -" you start to tell her about your discovering, but she cuts you soon after. "Y/N, look, I really don't want to talk about your shitty guard." "But, Bet, it's important! In the diary, he has wrote that he was once a patient here too! He then eventually got the job. Do you hear that? Patients can get a job here, he-" Beatrice then cuts you off again. "Y/N, I said I don't want to talk about this!" she says in a more loud tone this time. "But don't you unders-" she cuts you off for one last time. "Y/N SHUT UP ALREADY! I DON'T CARE!" she suddenly screams. Everyone turns to look at you two. "Fine then." you stand upand pick up your meal. "As you wish." You walk up to Michael's table. And here's when Beatrice regrets what she just did. She should've listened to you.

"Hey there, Michael. Looks like I'll be sitting here for dinner, huh." You tell Michael, who just gives you a look. You sit at your usual spot on the table, against Michael, to be exact.

You didn't even think about talking to Michael. He was concerned about how you feel at the moment, you could tell, but you just weren't in the mood for talking.

Bet seems really off. You can tell she really is suffering from something, unknown to you. Sooner or later, you have to talk to her about it, she's not herself anymore, which is at some point really bad, but you don't know her well, maybe she just has those moods from time to time, normal mood swings. It could be something else, but you couldn't figure it out from afar anyway. It's about time she tries something stupid, if so.

Your dish is empty, so you say your goodbyes to Michael, like always, and he just nods, like always. You really wanted to talk to him, but a part of you said not to.

After you were taken to your room, you just sit there, on the bed, doing nothing, just staring at the wall. If you had to rate this room from 1 to 10, you'd give it a -9, but there is nothing to do, this isn't a 5 star hotel. Being out there, in your own little room was much better than that, it wasn't boring as it is here, you had things to do. If we don't count your parents and that one bully you have at school, life is great. It's just that here seems like your life is paused.

You got yourself into this!

It's your fault only!

They didn't deserve that!

You shake that off. You didn't really pay attention to the "inside you". Or how other people would call it, voices in your head. But sometimes they're louder. Although, they only appear when your mind wants to tell you otherwise than what you think about something, or in the position of instincts. If there is danger nearby, sometimes they appear and somehow signalize for it. In this case, it's your brain thinking you're not right.

~Time skip~

Xander took you to the library again. Once again, he just sits on the chair and lays his head on the desk. Just he wait for what you've planned.

After a while, he's dead asleep. Snoring loud enough....

While Xander is getting a deserved or not deserved sweet tour to the dream world, you sneak out the library. It's past dinner so there are no guards or nurses around the hallways. What you planned is to give Myers a little visit while Xander is asleep. He wouldn't notice you were gone. After all, it's stupid to fall asleep on your patient while out of their room, isn't it. I don't blame him though.

While going through the hallways, you notice the other patiets staring with wide eyes. They're probably wondering how you got out of your room at this time, but you just ignore all the stares and continue forwards. You finally found Michael's room and knocked on the well cleaned window. What you don't understand is why no one is guarding him, but you just leave that away. 

Michael turns to look at the window and after his eyes land on you, he stands up quickly. What you definately noticed are the masks on his wall, as well the one in his hands, seems like he makes them, and is in the process of making one more.

"They're pretty." you speak out. Michael tilts his head in response. "Your masks. You made them, right? They're really pretty, I like them." Michael surprises you everyday, he just gave you a thumbs up. That's new. "Eh, you might be wondering why and how I'm here?" He nods. "Well, Xander took me to the library and well he's sleeping like a newborn so I decided to sneak up all the way here and give you a visit." he just stares at you for a moment, then down at the mask in his hands for a long, awkward time in silence. Finally he lifts his head. Then, points at you, then at the mask. You don't quite understand him. "Is this mask for me?" you ask him. He nods. Now you get it. "Oh, thanks! I'd love to try it on. You can give it to me tomorrow morning at breakfast. It's really nice. You're really talented." Michael just stares again.

After a few moments in silence, you decided to break it. "Well, I should be going. I can get into trouble, you as well. I'll see you tomorrow, Mikey!" he waves goodbye, in some kind of way. You feel the positive aura, he likes the nickname you gave him. "Bye, sleep well." You say one last time and wave goodbye as well. He stays on the window while you leave.

Ah, Xander is snoring even lauder. You have to wait for this sleepy ass to wake up. While that, you will read that nice book you found...


OMG, it's finally an update! I missed writing, hehe. At the moment my phone is repairing, so I don't know how often I will be able to update, but I hope y'all liked this part, lol. I promise a new update soon :p

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