Fools and the Awkward Conversation

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Going on a double date with Soobin and Yeonjun is both the best and worst idea they could have, Sunghoon thinks. Going out with them is nice, really, Sunghoon isn’t complaining about that. Yet, at the same time, it is so obvious that they are in a completely different stage in their relationship compared to them. Fundamentally, Sunghoon understands that each couple has their own times and Soobin and Yeonjun have probably been dating for longer than Heeseung and him. It still brings up thoughts he is trying to avoid.

In his own mind’s words, he is a coward. It has been at least a couple of weeks since he started thinking about asking Heeseung to have sex with him. It has been weeks and he still hasn’t done anything about it. Looking at Soobin and Yeonjun, how they act and talk, Sunghoon can’t help but think, assume, that they have done it. He’s sure of it and he wants to reach that stage with Heeseung. Jake, though half asleep, has told him to simply ask, but Sunghoon is, indeed, a coward. 

He can never ask directly for it, he’s too shy for that. Which is why the date is making him think about it so much. Soobin appears to be quite shy as well, so he wonders how they got to it. Yeonjun might have been the one to suggest it, but Soobin has to have given him so hints before that. His mind continues to circle the idea of asking Soobin what he’d done. Again, though, his shyness will never allow for him to ask in the middle of a restaurant with Heeseung sitting next to him. It just isn’t going to happen.

However, after they leave the restaurant and head over to Tomorrow By Together’s dorm, Sunghoon sees his chance. As Yeonjun and Heeseung set everything up in the living-room to watch a movie, Sunghoon goes with Soobin to get some snacks to the kitchen. This, Sunghoon thinks, is the perfect opportunity to actually ask Soobin about it. 

He is still a coward, though. A shy, nervous coward.

“Will this be enough? I can never guess the right amount…” Soobin mumbles to himself, oblivious to Sunghoon’s internal struggle.

“How did you ask Yeonjun to have sex with you?” He blurts out after fidgeting, having thought of several different sentences to ask more delicately. 

Soobin nearly drops everything he is holding, twice. Once after hearing Sunghoon’s question and a second time while turning to look at him. “I… I- w-what?” 

“Uh… That-s not how I wanted to ask…” Sunghoon’s face burns in embarrassment. “But… Heeseung-hyung and I haven’t… yet, and I w-want to but…” He’s not looking at Soobin as he speaks, looking instead at his hands as he fumbles with his fingers. “I just… I can’t ask him, you know? So… I was wondering how… you did it?”

“I- I never- I was not expecting this conversation.” Soobin looks as red as Sunghoon. 

“Let’s pretend I didn’t ask anything, that’d be better,” Sunghoon said quickly. 

“No, no, I mean…” Soobin stops him. “I don’t know how to help you, I didn’t ask…” he admits. “But… I’d say if you really want to… maybe talk to Heeseung? Not- Don’t ask him directly if you don’t think you can do that, but try to see how he feels about it? Guide the conversation in that direction.” Sunghoon nods, that makes sense and it’ll be easier for him than straight up asking. 

They drop the conversation there, Sunghoon thinks thanking Soobin for that would be weird, but he knows the other understand he appreciated his words. They return to the living-room shortly after, spending more time in the kitchen would be weird. They settle everything down and Sunghoon gets surprised By Yeonjun. Well, surprise is putting it mildly.

“So, did you buy condoms?” Yeonjun casually asks as Sunghoon is about to sit next to Heeseung. It freezes him for a second and he want to hit Soobin who is chuckling, probably laughing at him and his prior worries.

“What?” Is the only thing he manages to say, because really, why would Yeonjun ask that to Heeseung. Why didn’t Heeseung tell him he wants to buy condom? what does he want to buy them for? Sunghoon wants to ask a lot of things at once.

“Oh! Not for now, obviously,” Yeonjun explains, confusing Sunghoon even more, because he hasn’t even considered it may be for right this moment.

“I… haven’t talked with Sunghoon about it yet…” Heeseung admits avoiding Sunghoon’s eyes. Sunghoon feels slightly offended, but then he realises he’d be doing the same if he were in Heeseung’s position.

A few seconds of awkward silence pass, with Yeonjun looking between a flustered Heeseung and a confused Sunghoon, “Oops?” he says and quickly turns the movie on.

“We are talking about that later.” Sunghoon whispers to Heeseung, who just nods and lets Sunghoon get comfortable cuddling against him. He might be slightly mad and very confused, but nothing was depriving him of Heeseung’s cuddles. Not even himself.

Fools, All of Them | HEEJAKEHOONWhere stories live. Discover now