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I opened my eyes and saw red? I sat up and looked around the room I was in, it was a relatively nice room, there was a big bed, it was soft too, and a dresser with a letter on it; I walked to the dresser and started to read the letter, it was written neat but messy and the same time,

"If you're reading this that means you willingly chose hell, surprising but hey miracles happen, but you should be getting your horns and wings soon. One thing about your wings and stuff are that they all mean something different: red = commoner, purple = lower rank, grey = middle rank, green = strong, and lastly black which means you're the strongest of the strongest, but you can be multiply colored but that's rare. Now when you get your tail, horns, and wings, head down the hall and to the right and meet me, I'll fill you in on everything else. I doubt anyone will read this though."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but then I felt a pain on my forehead and back ' what the hell, This must be my wings and horns ' I buckled at the pain, I closed my eyes tight and put my hands on the dresser the support myself; once the pain was gone I open my eyes to see that my horns were a mix of green and black, my eyes widen as I reread what each color means "'green = strong, and lastly black which means you're the strongest of the strongest, but you can be multiply colored but that's rare'... "I'm mixed with the strongest colors? This must be a mistake, right?.." I look back up at the mirror shaken at this entire thing, I look back down at the paper and see where I was supposed to go when I got my wings, I look back at the mirror before heading for the door.

I turned the corner and came face to face with a blond haired demon with a mix of black and gold wings, horns, and tail. He was sitting sideways with his legs over the arm of the throne. He sighed as he was filing his nails? Claws? I cough to try and get his attention, he stops filing his "nails" and looks at me with wide eyes, his shocked face immediately turns to an excited one. He threw his nail filer and jumped up from his throne and ran towards me. He leaned close to me and grabbed my face "OMG, YOUR REAL!" I lean backwards with a concerned expression " Umm yeah I guess I'm real?" He smiles even wider " SOMEONE FINALLY CAME!," he said running around in circles, he suddenly stopped and turned to me "Wait I didn't even introduce myself, Well my name is Atsumu Miya I am the ruler of the voluntary hell! Now you might not know what that is but," he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the abandoned throne, and made me sit down " I will explain, there are two parts of hell: the voluntary hell, where you are now, and then non-voluntary hell. if you lived a life a sin then you immediately go to non-voluntary hell but, when you're at the gates and get to choose and you choose to come to hell, you go to voluntary hell. There are two Rulers of hell : Me and my twin brother, he rules non-voluntary hell. I'm so glad you chose to come here. I was soooo lonely there's not a lot of people here, So what's your name." I started confused into his eyes that were full of excitement. I tried to process the word-vomit of information "...Sakusa Kiyoomi.."

"Well I'm excited to spend the rest of eternity with you, Omi-kun.".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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