Joyce walks out wearing something casual of course but somehow still seems to catch Hoppers special attention "You look nice" he says as he stands up from the couch and walks to the door while still looking at her, trying to keep his mind together.

"Thanks, you too" She smiles at him. She grabs her bag and keys and heads out the door into her car. Her mood has completely changed now that he was with her.

While they are driving through town, Hopper takes note of how big it is, so he tries his best to memorize where the places that Joyce is showing him are. 

They park at the board walk and take a nice stroll on the pier as they eat ice cream. The weather was nice, wind is blowing, and many people are fishing. Somewhere along the pier they stop and sit for a little. Joyce was always messy when eating ice cream with cones, so she reverts to bowls, but Hopper convinced her to get the cone this time. She grabbed many napkins along her way out of the ice cream shop and tries to eat it as fast as she could but was never great at that either.

Hopper on the other hand would scarf it down quicker than anyone and would often give himself a brain freeze. He was always told to slow down but never listened, even now. 

They sit down and enjoy the sounds of the ocean while Joyce is trying to not make a mess on herself. When a drop of ice cream from the bottom of her cone lands on her pants, Hopper is quick to help her clean it up before she even notices which he receives a quick chuckle and "Thank you" from her.

"It's very nice out here, I would like to go fishing someday" he says before returning to his ice cream

"Like you used to do? With my dad?" She asks while wiping her face with one of her many napkins

Hopper rests his elbows on his knees "Yeah I mean I always enjoyed it. It was fun and it was something I was good at so I would like to revisit that."

"Yeah, you should. It would be great to go out as a family." She encourages him, he leans back and smiles at her and then finishes his ice cream cone. Joyce offered him to finish hers which he gladly took and finished in no time. Him and Joyce laugh as he eats it quickly then heads back to her car.

Hopper reminded her to stop by the bookstore before they got home and so she did. He held the door open for her which she found very charming of him. Always a gentleman she thought to herself. They go their separate ways inside the small building, slowly finding themselves in the middle in the same isle, looking at opposite sides of it. Joyce had found a book she was deeply invested in from reading the back cover while Hopper was in a section he was unaware of. He grabbed a book that caught his eye, he didn't bother reading the back he just flipped through the pages and landed on a very sensual part of it. He read those two pages of very intriguing love making and decided to show Joyce.

He turned behind him and there she was, flipping through the pages to find the last numbered page when he caught her attention "Hey this seems pretty interesting" He smirks and presents the book in front of her. 

She looked at the recognizable front cover "I've read that before, it's really good. We should get you a library card and check out these books." She smiles at him but notices his expression "What?" She chuckled 

"You read this before?"

"Yeah" She replies raising her eyebrows 


"Yes why?" 

"Even the... sexy parts?" He teased

"Yes, Hopper what's so surprising about me reading a book about a woman living her sexual fantasies?"

"Thats what this is about?" He had a shocked expression and tone on him

Joyce dropped her jaw and furrowed her eyebrows at him "Oh my god Jim you didn't read the back?" She said with an obviously annoyed tone

"Well, no I just flipped through a few pages and landed on a very intimate encounter." He swallowed his fear, he avoided her eye contact because he was suddenly turned on by her. Her angered quiet tone had set a flame to his brain and quickly to his member. Anything she did could turn him on but every time it did, he felt so guilty. He has imagined her naked and doing things to her way more than he wanted to. He shouldn't think of her that way, it's incredibly violating but his horny mind can't help it no matter how hard he tries to stop. 

Joyce sighs "Okay whatever do you want the book?" 

He hesitates "Yeah, why not" 

Hopper gets a library card and checks out his book and Joyce checks out hers. They head home and started on dinner together when they realized how long they've been gone. Today was very eventful for the both of them. They enjoyed each other's company and made each other feel better. They grew closer 

A/N I hope you guys enjoyed this one, I know it's been a while since I updated, and I hope you can forgive me. Also tell me if you want the chapters to be longer, I'll try my best to do so if you want that.

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