First Time. (🫀)

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A/N: this is gonna be a long one lol
Content warning:
Slight praise kink
Consensual sex
Top Nick and Bottom Charlie
Nicks POV:
I walked down the aisles of Target, dreading the purchase I was about to make. "I'm so sor!- Oh hey Tara!" I chirped, bumping into my good friend. "Hey Nick! Whatcha shopping for?" Tara asked. I could feel my face flush. In all reality, I was here to buy condoms and lube. But I cant tell her that! It's my eight month anniversary with Charlie and I'm hoping to take our relationship to the next level. If he's okay with it, of course. "Oh um, just some stuff for my anniversary with Charlie. Snacks and stuff." I muttered with a smile. "That's great! Eight months already." Tara grinned. "Well Nick, it was a pleasure but I've got a sick girlfriend at home. If I'm not back soon she'll throw a tantrum. Such a baby when she's ill. Bye Nick!" She hummed before hurrying off.
Now, back to the mission at hand. In all honesty, I never imagined my first time to be with a guy. It's Charlie's first time as well. Neither of us know what we're doing or how to play this. I browsed the aisle of condoms and such. Of course I've watched porn before, but this is gonna be so much different. I grabbed a box and hoped for the best, heading to checkout.

Charlie's POV:
Well, it's my eight months with Nick! Time flies by so fast when I'm with him. I decided to try and cook a nice dinner, but I'm no chef. I did my best to make pasta. At least it's edible? I soon heard the door open and Nellie begin barking. I served up two plates of food, turning to meet Nick as he entered the kitchen. "Baby! You cooked?" He chirped, a huge smile on his face. "Yeah well, I did my best. I'm sorry it's just spaghetti and not anything fancy or whate-" I was cut off by another pair of lips on mine. I kissed nick back, chuckling softly against his lips. "You're not allowed to say sorry. It's perfect. You're perfect. Happy eight months." Nick said, looking in my eyes. I just about melted into a puddle on the floor. I was so in love with Nick. "I love you so much. Happy eight months." I responded with a grin. "Now let's eat!" He exclaimed, kissing my cheek.
Dinner went well. My food actually wasn't bad! Although, I could tell Nick had something on his mind. He was a bit more quiet than usual. "Hey Nicky, you okay?" I asked, looking at him as we finished eating.

Nicks POV:
When Charlie asked if I was okay, I knew this was the best time to bring it up. "Oh well yeah. I was just thinking," I began, looking up and meeting his eyes. "I wanted to let you know I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level. We don't have to of course! I know last summer I said I wasn't ready but now I am. But, if you're not rea-" I was cut off by Charlie laughing. My face heated up. This was embarrassing. "Im ready too Nick. Stop rambling." Charlie said shyly, looking at me with soft eyes. He wanted this too?! I noticed his eyes lower a bit as if he was nervous, so I decided to joke around and lighten the mood. "Char, are you looking at my big strong rugby arms?" I joked. He giggles slightly and his eyes met mine again. "I was not!" He whined. I grinned and walked over to him, picking him up and tossing him over my shoulder. "Let's go." I said teasingly. Meanwhile, Charlie is dying laughing and Nellie is looking at us with a confused look. "Why are we like this!" Charlie muttered out in between laughter. Once we got up to the bedroom, I kicked the door closed with my foot and set Charlie down gently. I then crawled onto the bed and got in between his legs.

Charlie's POV:
Oh. My. God. Was this really happening?! I watched Nick get in between my legs. I looked up at him as he placed a hand on my cheek. "You're sure right? I would never want to do anything without your consent." He said, looking back into my eyes. He's so considerate about my feelings. I love that about Nick. In all honesty, I was a bit nervous about Nick seeing my body. But, I wanted this. We wanted this. "Nick, I want you. I'm ready." I mumbled shyly, feeling how flushed my face got. Nick took that and nodded, kissing me deeply. This was the most intense kiss we've ever had. I pulled him closer to me by his shirt as he deepened the kiss, licking my bottom lip almost as if asking for permission. I got the hint and opened my mouth a bit, feeling nicks tongue in my mouth. Honestly, I could get used to this. I moved one hand to the back of his head, as his brushed against my hips. I let out a small noise of pleasure into the kiss, turning a dark red. Nick soon pulled away slightly, gasping for air. "Oh my god. That was amazing." He mumbled. I grinned and looked up at him, tugging on the bottom of his shirt. "C-can I take this off?" I mumbled nervously. He nodded eagerly, helping me to take it off. I moved my hands up to his chest and down his arms, feeling around his torso. He was built so nicely and had a lovely body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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