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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Type:Angst, Romance
Warnings:This has toxic behavior such as manipulation and gaslighting on Billy's end so if that triggers you, stop right here and go to the next chapter.

----Story Start----

(Y/n) was in their room getting ready for a party that Carol is throwing Billy say he was going to pick them up to which they agreed. (Y/n) continued to get ready until a ring on the doorbell was heard cause them to quickly pull on their pants/skirt and their shirt. They rushed down the stairs and quickly put their shoes on and opened the door"Hey Billy!" They could already tell Billy was going to say something about the outfit choice when he looked them up and down"What are you wearing? That is so boring. Whatever just get in the car"He said and shook his head walking to the car"Not even a hello? Asshole." (Y/n) said and walked to his car getting in and he got in on the driver's side of course. Billy started to drive and looked at (Y/n)"You have to drink, I don't feel like having my reputation ruined because my partner doesn't wanna drink, that's so lame of you not to drink."He said and (Y/n) frowned"Fine I'll drink jeez." Billy smiled at them"Thanks I love you" He said as he pulled up to the party he turned to face them for a kiss, but (Y/n) turned their head away with a slight glare out the window"You only ever say I love you when I decide to do what you want dickhead." They said then got out of the car slamming the door hard and walking into the party without him. Billy glared slightly at them when the door to his car was slammed, but he got out too eventually, once everyone saw (Y/n) they immediately knew Billy was there too everyone knew how toxic their relationship is and didn't understand why they stay together. The two of them were always arguing, but as soon as someone else tries to get with the other all hell breaks loose so they are a good couple, but in a weird way. (Y/n) stood by the table with all the drinks talking to Steve"He is such an asshole, as soon as I do what he wants he's all full of Love and shit, it's so stupid"Steve drank some of his drink"So leave him you two are hella toxic together its so weird, and painful to watch its like watching parents argue"(Y/n) sighed"Its not that easy Steve, me and Billy are practically married at this point."They said and looked at Steve"So that's why you two fight so well as if you both have been together for years" He laughed slightly causing (Y/n) to laugh too, this of course caught Billy's attention and he glared over at them going to find Carol. Carol was looking for Billy too, not surprising at all"Hi Billy! How are you liking the party so far." (Y/n) felt a disturbance in the air like their receptors to bitches flirting with their man went off and when they looked around they saw Billy and Carol flirting up a storm. (Y/n) walked over and pushed Carol back"Back off."They said in a warning tone and Carol looked at (Y/n) annoyed"Yeah or what? It doesn't seem like he wants you?" (Y/n) glared at Carol as uncalled for as it is they punched Carol right in the nose and Carol fell back. Billy looked at (Y/n) with a look"Are you kidding me (Y/n)? You can sit over there and flirt with Steve, but once me and Carol just talk a little bit its a problem?" (Y/n) watched Billy help Carol up"Come on Carol I'll drive you to a hospital" Billy said knowing full and well that he was making (Y/n) very angry and while Carol and Billy walked outside (Y/n) chugged her third drink of the night drink, their a lightweight, but still pretty aware. (Y/n) followed Billy and Carol outside and wobbled slightly the party followed knowing shit was about to go down, as Billy got Carol in the car and got in as well (Y/n) picked up a huge rock"HAVE THIS ASSHOLE!!"They yelled at him and threw the big ass rock....right...through....the back window of his car(Ooooo...shit) (Y/n) realized their mistake as the party erupted with "Oo's" and "Holy shit.." and "Their so dead." Billy took a deep breath"Carol get out" he said and looked at her"B-But my nose-" he glared at her"Get out!"He said and as Carol got out he did too and walked to (Y/n)"Come on we are leaving."He grabbed their arm roughly and walked them to the car opening the passenger side door and pushing them in. He slammed the door and then walked to the driver side getting in and slamming the door speeding off"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you insane or some shit?? YOU BROKE MY GODDAMN BACK WINDOW!!"He raised his voice"Your action have consequences." (Y/n) said and he glared at them"You are crazy." He said and looked back at the road, keeping the silence as he parked at their house"Get out."They looked at Billy then got out"Im not driving you to school in the morning, so don't expect to see me, you've got legs, you can fucking walk."He said annoyed and backed out of their driveway and drove off leaving (Y/n) standing there wonder if they still have a boyfriend.

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