Over the next few days Edan remained in the Gryffindor Tower mostly. She was more studious than she'd ever been in her life, likely because the boys weren't around. When she finally returned to Professor Snape's classroom she noticed the Wolfsbane potion remained untouched. It puzzled her slightly but before she could ask about it Snape questioned her. "Why are you never present for meals, Ms Wilkies?" 

She paused opening her Herbology. "Oh, I've been so busy catching up on my classes. Beside, with so few people here in the Castle I'd have to interact with people for than I typically enjoy to."

"Too busy to eat?" He grumbled looking the girl. She had in fact lost quite a bit of weight, her face looked rather gaunt. 

"I've eaten of course. Hermione brings me food from each meal. She's overjoyed to see me putting so much effort into my classes." Edan said finally opening her Herbology textbook. "I do admit though, since my curse has taken affect my appetite has nearly disappeared. I try to force myself to eat as much as possible but sometimes I don't even realize how long it's been since I've had food." 

"I see." Snape said sharply, it appeared he was a bit upset by her admission. Edan knew it was concerning but she didn't expect Professor Snape to be someone who cared.

"Is everything alright?" She finally spoke up.

He began putting his new potion into small vials. "It would be best if you left. I have a visitor coming down soon.

Edan hopped up from he seat. "Let me help you with the vials first."

Snape had dipped into the potion once again when Edan carelessly bumped into him. His elbow hit the tip of his cauldron sending the contents all of the floor. Edan slipped in the liquid tripping Snape in the process which resulted in the both of them being drenched in the potion. "You dunderhead!" Snape shouted angrily at her for the first time in months. "Now look at what you have done!"

Edan bit her lip feeling her anxiety rise. It was a different emotion than the anger she'd felt In The Great Hall but it was beginning to have the same overwhelming feelings she'd felt then. "I need to get out of here." She whispered for to herself. Standing in a pool of potion and attempted to stand quickly proved ineffective, she slipped back down.

"Take a deep breath Ms Wilkies. Attempt to calm you emotions." Snape said softly in a tone she'd never heard from him before. Edan remained on the floor, her head in her hands attempting to take even, deep breaths. She slowly felt that overwhelming feeling lessen. Snape looked at her closely. "You have far more self control than anyone would expect at the beginning of your curse."

"Thank you, I suppose." Edan said with a small smile. Snape didn't return the smile but his face was softened. There was a short rap on the door before it was opened. Edan wasn't sure who was more shocked in that moment; her or Remus. His eyes widened slightly either at the idea that Edan was in the Castle or that Professor Snape was sitting rather close to her on the floor. "I thought you weren't going to be here for the Holiday." She stated darkly.

He stood in the doorway, stunned as Snape helped Edan to her feet. "I would seem he was dishonest with you." 

"You've been here all this time?" Edan demanded. 

"You were meant to be going to The Burrow. That's what you said, you had to hurry to meet Fred and George." Remus finally responded.

"Yes, to see them off. I told you I was staying whether you were or not! You weren't supposed to be here, that was why we couldn't spend time together. You lied to me." Edan said her voice rising with every word. "Why did you lie?"

Remus sighed deeply. "It's complicated, Edan. You wouldn't understand." 

She was suddenly reminded of the tone of voice he used with her before, one where she felt like a student to him as opposed to his girlfriend. "Why? Because I'm young or because I'm just a silly student? I'm old enough to spend a night with you in your chambers but I deserve to be deceived by you? I feel like you talk to me as if I'm more of a silly teenager in your eyes instead of you girlfriend, your equal." The more she spoke the hoarser her voice grew. 

"Please, calm down." Remus said walking towards her and placing his hands on her shoulders. "You're not a teenager Edan. This is something I don't believe you could handle right now." 

Edan snorted and shoved him away. "Right, but if I was older you would share with me. Or maybe it's because of my curse. You're afraid of upsetting me! Well, in case you're are afraid you should leave now because you're really starting to piss me off."

"Calm do-" 

"Do not tell me to calm down!" She shouted her voice clearly not longer her own. "

Snape stepped in then. "Get out!" He growled at Remus who hesitated momentarily. Snape pulled out his wand and forcibly removed Remus from the room. Edan's hand inched toward her wand seeing as she was no longer in control. Her curse urging her to take her anger out on the only person present. "Remember, you have some self control. Try to combat your anger with something that makes you happy."

Edan tried to do what he said but it was hard to recall any happy memories when she was this far removed from herself. After some struggle she was able to recall the time She and The boys previously pranked Remus. She felt her anger slowly dissipate until she felt relatively calm. "I'll be going now." She whispered quietly before fleeing the classroom.  

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