Chapter 1: The Capture and Observing

Start from the beginning

??? ( Merita ): stay away.... ( She whispered before passing out )

Lawrence looked at the girl with shock, as Carson walked to him

Carson: you okay?

Lawrence: yeah but... What is she?

Carson: no clue, looks like we got a new SCP. Let's get her to the site and have someone question her-

Carson stopped talking when he saw the paw pads on the girl's feet, their barely noticeable but their still their. Carson used a flashlight to help him take a better look at the paw pads, the paw pads were of a darker skin tone and had white spots on, one of the spots was in the shape of a heart.

Carson: okay I'm guessing she's part animal or something, but that is kinda cute ( he said pointing at the white heart shaped on one of the paw pads on the girl's feet )

( Time skip )

When Merita woke up she was in a metal room with the weird symbol and three letters on one of the walls, she was on a cot bed and she began to growl as she saw to female humans looking at her through a window looking into the room.

When Merita woke up she was in a metal room with the weird symbol and three letters on one of the walls, she was on a cot bed and she began to growl as she saw to female humans looking at her through a window looking into the room

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Dr Collingwood: oh, your awake! Good evening, I am Dr Collingwood and this is Dr Buck, we just want to-

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Dr Collingwood: oh, your awake! Good evening, I am Dr Collingwood and this is Dr Buck, we just want to-

Merita ran under the cot bed, scared and confused about why she was there and why the two humans were watching her as if she was some kind of entertainment to them. While Merita was hiding under the bed, that's when both of the doctors noticed how small and thin Merita was.

Dr Collingwood: she must not have much human interaction before-

Dr Buck: it's a SCP, ( turns on the one way intercom ) Scp, get out from under the bed, we have questions for you that you need to answer. ( She said sternly )

The Mayham SCP ( An SCP Animated- Tales from the foundation fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now