- a few hours later -

"Baby we should get going... we have to pack for Wembley" Adele looks beside her and notices y/n with her eyes closed "love?" Y/n whispers.

At this moment Melissa had been picked up by an Uber and gone home, y/n kept insisting to take her home but Melissa told her to stay and enjoy her family outing despite y/n telling her she was family.

"Sometimes I look at Eliot and ask myself what it would be like if his dad was here" y/n confesses. "He was your first love wasn't he?" Adele moves y/n's hair out of her face and kisses her "he is. He will always have a spot in my heart... You do too. You're my last love and I'm so sorry I'm bringing-", "baby don't be sorry. You're allowed to miss him and I'm happy you trust me enough to share this with me" Adele smiles and lays her head on y/n's chest. Y/n wraps her arm around Adele and holds her close as they now both watch as the kids run around sweating immensely. "We leave the 24th am I correct?" y/n looks at Adele who's still laying on her chest but now falling asleep "mhm" Adele mumbles a response "come on" y/n slightly slaps Adele's ass "let's go home and all get ready to go to bed", "bed? It's too fucking early" Adele protests "its an hour and a half drive back home. By the time we get both kiddos bathed and clean up whatever mess won't let me sleep. It's going to be 10 pm", "you're right. Let's get going shall we" Adele sits up and begins to grab everything and place it back in the basket "ill get this, go get the kiddos in the car" y/n stands up and sticks her hand out to help Adele up.

Y/n get everything neatly back into the basket as Adele goes over to Angelo and Eliot who were playing in the sand and lets them know it's time to go home "can we watch trolls mama?" Eliot asks as he stands up and smiles at Adele "when we get home and after your bath yes we can" Adele smiles and points to the car which is already being loaded up by y/n "ill beat you buddy" Angelo stands up and darts out of the sandbox.


"We're home" y/n announces as she pulls into the garage and places the car in park. "Come on peanuts, let's get you a bath started and see what auntie Mel is up to" Adele undoes her seat belt and gets Angelo out of his car seat while Y/n grabs Eliot. They all head upstairs in look for Melissa "in here! I'm doing some online shopping for baby" Melissa points to a few packages that y/n had "oh! Babe this is the step master I ordered, Layla told me all about this when I was out getting the mail" Y/n goes to the big ass box in the foyer and makes sure it is indeed that "Layla?" Adele questions as to why she had never head that name before "oh she's the neighbor across the street! We're always out there at the same time" y/n looks over at Adele. "How come I haven't met her?!" Adele makes her confused face and takes a seat beside Mel "mama! A bath so buddy and me can see trolls!" Eliot pulls at Adele's dress "baby be nice" y/n gives her "mom" look to Eliot and he gets all shy about that "that looks works on mama too" y/n wink at Eliot. Melissa spits out her water and laughs her ass off at y/n's comment and Adele just blushes and walks away with Eliot. "I'll grab their pijamas and towels" y/n begins to follow behind Adele "oh y/n! The appointment is at 8:30 so please be ready by then" Melissa calls out to her best friend who was talking with Eliot. "Of course, good night Mel. Love you" y/n sends a kiss to Melissa "love you y/n! Goodnight" Melissa responds and smiles knowing she has the best support system from her best friend.

"Mama look!" Angelo points to his head which has a big stack of bubbles on it "oh wow peanut! That's amazing" Adele acts surprised. She takes a seat on the bathroom floor and leaned her head on her hand as she watches Eliot and Angelo play around in the water. Meanwhile, y/n grabs the boy's pajamas and towels and sets them out. She then heads to her bathroom and starts a bath for Adele and herself. She makes sure to make the water almost to a boiling point considering by the time they got done changing the kids and turning their movie on it would be a while. Y/n heads to her and Adele's closet and she grabs them oversized t-shirts and places them on the bed before making her way back to Adele and the kids. "Here are the towels for when you boys are ready" y/n sets the towels on the rack above Adele and then takes a seat on the floor as well. "Mommy where your tattoo?" Eliot points to Adele's tattoo on her hand and looks at y/n "I have one here baby" y/n lifts her shirt up on the side and shows Eliot the very dumb math equation "your auntie Mel gave it to me and told be it would be great but now looking at it i might remove it", "the hell?! Why" Adele asks right away. Y/n laughs and looks at Adele's concerned face "I'm going to get a better one. I have to go meet with an artist so he can help me come up with one" y/n assures Adele it's for a good reason "oh that makes sense" Adele laughs and looks back at the kids "let's go! I wanna watch trolls" Eliot stands up and sticks his hands out for either mom to grab him "did they bathe yet?" Y/n asks Adele. "All clean" She grabs Eliot's towel and wraps it around him before she leaves the bathroom and changes him into pajamas. Y/n does be same with Angelo "mommy can I draw a tattoo for you?" Angelo randomly asks "oh me too mommy!" Eliot says as Adele is getting his shirt on "both of you work on a picture together and then we can go and and I'll get it tattooed" y/n sticks her pinky out for the kids to promise "yeah!" They both yell and promise y/n.

[[ okayyyy here it is... I hope it was good :) ]]

Word count: 2133

'Calm before the storm'/ An Adele story Where stories live. Discover now