XIII. Why Can't I Hate You?

Start from the beginning

" Don't you teach any defense?" daniel sled johnny

" Best defense is more offense" mitch exclaimed and selene sighed as they grabbed their phone out of their pocket and listened to the music as they put their headphones and ignored everyone until they went inside and hawk went against selene

"sorry for this" he said and they began before he kicked just right and kicked a hole through the window

"you see this is why we don't spare in here" daniel said and selene laughed

"alright whose next?" johnny asked and they went through the whole day listened to johnny and daniel use different techniques and fight back and forth until selene sighed and left

they drove home and was met with their mother in the living room as she looked at her and selene sighed

"hi mom" selene said and she sighed

"hi honey, where've you been?" she asked and selene sat down on the couch as they looked around

"um with johnny and eagle fang" they said and she sighed

"selene i thought you quit that, after everything with max" she spoke and selene sighed as they nodded

"i know and i thought i was too but i need to defend myself mom and i can't do that without johnny , daniel , miyagi-do and eagle fang" they exclaimed and she nodded

"just please be safe selene i'm serious" she said and selene nodded

"i am , i promise" they spoke and the next day, they woke up and got dressed

they drove to the dojo and met up with the others as they looked at johnny and daniel

" Sensei Lawrence and I have the same goal of preparing you for the tournament" Daniel began

" but We have different ways of getting you there" johnny continued

" We realize a teaching you opposing viewpoints at the same time can be a little confusing" daniel stated

" So we've discussed it and came up with a solution. We're going to divide and conquer. Eagle fang trains out front" johnny said

" And I'll be back here with Miyagi dos" daniel exclaimed

" I thought we were stronger working together" miguel said

" We're still working together" daniel said

" Just separately. On opposite ends of the dojo all right, Eagles follow me" johnny said and selene followed after johnny with hawk , and miguel

"fall in. Hawk, since you're new to eagle fang, come on up" johnny said and hawk stepped forward as selene sighed and shook their head

"this isn't going to end well" they said and miguel nodded

"yes, sensei" hawk said and he bowed before his legs were sweeped  out of under him and he fell

"what the heck?" hawk said

" Today we're going to practice our friends weeks. on hawk" johnny exclaimed

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