XIV. I Hope You Don't Mind

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Chapter Fourteen
I Hope You Don't Mind

Chapter Fourteen I Hope You Don't Mind

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3rd person POV

selene woke up the next morning to a text from miguel and hawk. they sighed and got up out of bed as they got up and changed. they looked at beetle and smiled

"wanna come with me buddy?" they asked and he barked as rheu smiled and clipped in his leash. they got him in the car and they drove over as they walked in and beetle barked

"BEETLE! HEY BUDDY" demetri said and selene laughed as beetle tugged and they let him off the leash

"i hope this is okay with you, he hasn't left the house much and i thought you guys would want to meet him" they said and daniel smiled as beetle barked and they all walked over and pet him

"did demetri say beetle?" johnny asked and selene laughed

"yeah i've loved beetles since i was a kid" selene said and beetle barked as they all smiled

"so is he okay to stay here?" they asked and daniel shared a look with johnny

"as long as he's not in the way then yeah" daniel said and beetles tag wagged as he ran around and they started to work on the platform together

"you know he is really cute" johnny said to selene and they smiled 

"thanks, i got him 5 years ago, he's just stuck around" selene said and johnny smiled

"i'm glad you have him" johnny exclaimed and selene nodded in agreement

"me too" selene said and they continued to work before their time was up

"can i bring him next time? i don't like leaving him at home" selene asked and they all nodded

"yeah he's good company" daniel said and he pet beetle as he barked and licked his hand as they all smiled

"hawk , metri do you guys need a ride home?" they asked and they looked at each other

"beetle calls shotgun, we know but yeah sure" hawk said and they all laughed as they walked to the car and selene opened the door for beetle as he jumped in and hawk got in the back with demetri

"thanks for the ride sel, we'll see you later" hawk said and he got out with demetri as they lived across the street from each other and selene nodded as they rolled down the front window one last time and they rubbed beetles head as he panted and they left the car

selene drove home and helped him out of the car as they turned to the house and saw tory waiting

"i know you hate me and i hate you but you once told me that when i needed help, you would there. this is the only time i will ever ask you for any type of help selene" tory said and selene sighed

"i know i told you i would help you and i will but this is the only time i will ever help you tory" they said and tory smiled gratefully

"thank you selene" she exclaimed and selene nodded

"so what's wrong? why do you need my help?" selene asked and tory sighed as the sun started to go down and the stars started to come out. beetle sat in front of the stairs

"i lost my job, can you help me?" tory questioned and selene nodded

"yeah i can help" selene said and tory nodded gratefully

"so when can we start looking?" tory asked and selene sighed

"right now i guess" selene spoke and they walked up to selenes room as they walked into their room and tory looked around

"you love christmas don't you?" tory asked and selene shrugged

"my second favorite holiday, right behind halloween" selene said and they unlocked beetle from his leash as he ran off and down the stairs into the lower floor of the house

"mrs larusso brought me food but i didn't ask for it, i gave it back. made a whole scene" tory said and selene sighed as they removed their sweatshirt as it covered in sweat

"should i regret it?" tory asked and selene looked back at her

"she's just trying to help you, she might feel bad for whatever reason. why did she leave it?" selene asked

"she's the reason i got fired" tory said and selene seethed

"and so she feels bad, does she know about your family situation?" selene questioned and tory shook her head

"no but i wouldn't put it past someone to tell her" tory said and selene sighed

"and that someone being kreese defending you?" selene asked and tory nodded

"that's the only thing that comes to my mind because you wouldn't tell her would you?" tory said and selene nodded

"i don't tel people family secrets , i'm not close with her to tell her that and if i don't want anyone to talk about my family then i won't talk about theirs" selene said and tory nodded

"you know it's hard to get a job when you're on probation" tory stated and selene nodded

"yeah i know but i can help you. it comes with your mom being a therapist and your dad being in the navy" selene said and tory nodded

"thanks selene" tory said and selene nodded

"anytime but after this, we don't talk and we don't even look at each other. you hate me don't you?" selene said and tory nodded

"i do hate you but i also trust you selene , sadly more than anyone right now. so please help me" tory said and selene nodded

"i'll help" selene spoke and tory smiled as they left the house

selene only hoped they wouldn't regret helping her but they usually regret the things in their life they know they shouldn't do

please theyre so cute it breaks my own heart

-ABBYS NOTES-please theyre so cute it breaks my own heart

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