005 : K-i-s-s-i-n-g

Start from the beginning

"He's concerned?" Sylvie asked, "uh, yeah! He literally was all like, 'she's going to the asylum??? oh my god I hope she's safe please check up on her for me'" Lucas imitated. "Haha, very funny," Sylvie nodded, "we're not joking, he would talk about how he wanted you to join Hellfire, he literally was blushing when you waved at him during his speech at the cafeteria, he was all red." Dustin chuckled.

Sylvie was speechless, maybe Steve was right, Eddie has a crush on her. "Sylvie and Eddie sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g," Lucas joked, Dustin did the same, singing the old rhyme again and again. "Oh haha, goodnight you two," Sylvie covered her face with the pillow and slept.

Sylvie woke up and saw that Nancy, Dustin, and Max weren't there. She stood up and went upstairs. "Hey Sylvie! Join us for some food?" Mrs. Wheeler asked, "morning mrs. wheeler, uuh - thank you I guess," she smiles softly as she grabs a plate and a pancake. "Isn't that too much?" She looked at Dustin, "I mean it's all their worth for, isn't that right Mr. Wheeler?" Dustin smirked, Mr. Wheeler sighed.

"Whats up?" Sylvie asked Nancy and Max, she then noticed the drawing, "whats this?" she asked, "Max drew it, it's what she saw." Nancy said, "isn't that the..." Sylvie asked, "Victor's house, it's connect Sylvie, we were right," Nancy stood up, "where you going?" Dustin asked as he ate, "waking the others," Nancy walked down to the basement, Sylvie puts her plate down and follows her.

Minutes after the whole thing, they drove to the house. "Yeah, thats not creepy," Steve spoke up, they went to the door and started to take out the boards that are infront of the door, "what exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shithole?" Steve asked, "we're not sure, we just know this house important to Vecna," Nancy answered, "because Max saw it in Vecna's red soup mind world?" He asked again, "basically," Nancy responded, "great," Steve nodded.

"Maybe it holds a clue to where Vecna is, why he's back, why he killed the Creels, and how to stop him before he comes back for Max," Dustin added, "we don't think he's in here, do we?" Lucas asked. "Guess we'll find out," Max responded.

"Ready?" Steve asked, "mm-hmm," Nancy nodded. They both then drop the plank, they all look at the door, it had the rose glass, just like how Max's drawing had it. "It's locked, should I knock, see if anybody's home?" Steve asked, "no need," Robin answered, she held up a brick, she looked at it then back to the others, "I found a key."

Robin throws the brick and it smashes the window, Steve stuck his hand through the glass and finds the door knob and opens the door. "Looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill," Lucas said, they were all in, looking around with their flashlights. "Where'd everyone get those?" Steve asked, Dustin turned to look at him, "do you need to be told everything?" Dustin asked, "you're not a child." he added, "thank you," Steve answered, Dustin gave Steve his backpack and told Steve to get his own.

Sylvie went with Nancy and Robin. They checked one of the rooms, "they just left everything," Nancy spoke as she pointed her flashlight at the room, "I guess a triple homicide isn't good for resale value," Robin added. "Hey guys?" Max asked, they turned their heads to look at her.

"You all see that right?" she asked, "yeah," both Steve and Dustin said, it was the grandfather clock. "Is this what you saw? In your visions?" Nancy asked her, Max nodded. "I mean, it's just a clock, right?" Robin asked. Robin took a step forward and wiped off the fog in the clock, she turned to them, "like a normal old clock," she added.

"Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks? Maybe he's like, a clockmaker or something?" Steve asked, "I think you just cracked the case, Steve." Dustin sarcastically spoke. "All I know is, the answers are here, somewhere." Nancy looked around. "okay, everyone stay in groups. Robin, Sylvie, upstairs." Nancy went up, same with Sylvie and Robin.

They explored the place a bit, though Sylvie would sneeze out of nowhere and she had to apologize for it, she was allergic to dust. Dust was everywhere, tons of gray and dark green-ish stains. Sylvie and Robin head up to see Nancy helping Steve remove some stuff out of his hair, cobwebs maybe?

"If there's a spider nesting there, you're never gonna find it till it lays eggs and the babies spill out," Robin joked, "whats wrong with you?" Steve spoke, both Sylvie and Robin chuckled, "watch out Harrington, might become the next spiderman but in the wrong way," Sylvie added which made her and Robin laugh, "oh yeah haha," Steve snickered as they passed by.

"You two, seriously," Steve huffed. They still continued look for clues, about Vecna or any sign of him atleast. Minutes later, all of them noticed a light glowing in the chandelier, there was no power though, was it Vecna?

"It's like the Christmas lights," Nancy spoke, "the Christmas lights?" Robin asked. "Yeah, when Will was in the Upside Down, the lights... came to life," Nancy added. "Vecna's here," Lucas spoke, "in this house," he added "just on the other side."

"At least now we know how its connected," Sylvie spoke up, the lights then went out. "I think he just left the room," Robin spoke. "Did he hear us?" Max asked, "Can he see us?" Steve asked, "headphones," Lucas said, Max then put it on and played her tape. "Wait, wait, everyone turn off your flashlights and spread out." Nancy said.

All of them turned it off and spread through-out the house. "We're not gonna be able to see if we turn off our flash... lights, Jesus Christ," Steve sighed as he did the same. They all looked around, trying to find Vecna's source of the light. "I got him! Got him!" Robin yelled from afar, they all ran to her.

"I got him!" Robin held her flashlight up, "I... I had him," Robin and then Steve's flashlight started glowing, "oh, whoa." Steve looked at his, "oh I think he's moving, he's moving, he's moving," he said, moving around with the flashlight, the others then followed him, they all ended up in the middle of the stairs, "shit, I lost him," Steve spoke as the light went out.

"No you didn't" Max spoke as she took steps forward to open a room, and the light was there. They continued to follow it, upstairs, up to the attic, "It's an attic, of course it's an attic," Robin muttered, "hold up guys, what if he's leading us into a trap?" Dustin asked, the others ignored him and continued to go up. "Guys. Guys! Shit shit shit shit shit."

They all ended up in the attic, the light was there. They all looked at it and formed a circle around it. "Flashlights," Dustin spoke up, all of them looked at their flashlights and it was glowing. "Okay, whats happening?" Steve asked, "it's so bright, it means he's literally right here." Sylvie spoke.

They all looked at their flashlights glowing, and all of a sudden, the glasses of their flashlights started to shatter all by itself, even the lightbulb that they were looking at. "Okay what the hell?!" Sylvie gasped, "we have to go, we have to go now!" Nancy and the others rushed downstairs and went back to the car and drove off.

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