Part 4

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As Violet and Finney walked to his house they talked about random school stuff and all the teachers they hate, which was a lot.

Once they got there Finney quickly got Violet to his room not wanting her to see all the beer bottles scattered around his father.

Violet hadn't seen her father in a while because he went to fight in Vietnam. It was hard not to have him around but after a while she got used to it.

The two young teens spent most of the evening doing all the homework that the teachers had assigned for them. Once they were free they went to watch a movie on the TV.

Violet tip toed into the dull living room careful not to not step on too many creaky floor boards, that could wake up Mr.Blake.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Finney take they half empty beer bottle out of of his father's hand and turn the light off being almost silent. She felt bad that he had to do almost everything for his family.

She got the movie ready and sat on the floor, Finney joined her with two small bowls of vanilla ice cream.

The movie was very scary, blood was filling up the womens bath tub and to make it worse a hand came out getting ready to grab her.

Violet and Finney covered there mouths with their hands trying not to make a sound.They both turned around to make sure that Mr.Blake was still sound asleep.

Once the movie was over Violet got ready to leave.
"Bye Finn" she said
"Bye Vi, be safe, oh and tell robin that I said thanks for him standing up for me" he said.
"Of course" she replied.

She smiled at him brightly and quickly walked home. Every time she thought about Finney she she couldn't help but blush but she new that he probably didn't feel the same way about her and if she told him her true feelings then she could ruin their friendship.


The next day Violet stayed at home she decided just to binge a lode of cartoons.

Robin on the other hand went to walk to meet their uncle at the drive through.

Their uncle was always to lazy to drive a whole 20 minutes to pick up his nephew because he said that he didn't want to use his energy on driving he wanted to use it on watching the movie.

Violet finished her last cartoon episode for the day with a headache. She looked at the time and realised that it was already almost 10 o'clock, she thought that robin would surely be home by now.

She called her mom, who was doing a night shift, to see if Robin was going to stay the night at their uncles.

Her mom said that Robin should have been home an hour ago since their uncle called her to tell her that robin was on his way home.

Violet told her mother that Robin hadn't been home and she started to panic. Her mother rushed home and called the cops.

The whole night police were on a search party for him they looked everywhere. Violet and here mother were advised to stay home. Which was hard because they wanted to help.

The whole time she had this sick feeling in her stomach.

The Grabber.


Rip Robin literally so sad 😭

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