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Quirk name: Cupid

Quirk description (simple-ish):

They can use this quirk to make people fall in love with each other, and with this quirk comes one cool thing that is possible. This is to make the one person say or do something to start there romantic love life with the other. But, its not really possible to just magically use hands to make them do something to fall in love. They use a voo-doo doll that looks like the one person to make them do certain actions. And, to make all these things happen, they have to get some of the lovely victims hair and throw it in with the fluff of the doll they create. 

Plus sides to quirk:

One plus side to the cupid quirk is that they are able to fix some problems between relationships if the one person asked them their self and told them about their personal life and problems. For example, if a person comes to them with a problem, they will have a sort of task to do for the day if nothing is planned, which really solves a few problems in life. But also, by helping these people and their love life might get rid of some pain in life and and make the relationship better.

Another plus side is, that they get to watch a love life blossom in front of their very own pretty eyes. Which, can make them really happy to known they are making other peoples lives so happy and painless. Furthermore, it may give them some type of comfort about their own love life if there isn't one at all in any way shape or form. 

One last plus side to the cupid power is that, they are amazing at sewing and making things, aka the voo-doo doll. But they will also be better at solving problems from practice at how to fix things on a time limit.

Drawbacks/bad sides to quirk:

A bad side to the quirk is that if neither of the people in a relationship ask you for help it might just make the situation in their life worse and cause many problems for them. Furthermore, they may feel really bad and make them feel horrible things about the quirk that they obtain. But if they have a way of making them feel better and learn that they are worth it and mean something. 

 Another bad thing that can also be sad is that they aren't able to make anyone fall in love with you no matter how hard to try to. So while other people around fall in love, they sit by the side waiting for the one true one to find them someday even though it may never reach them ever in their life.

Quirk special move:

The quirk special move for cupid is they can talk using the voo-doo doll and sound just like how the actual person speaks and their accent. But, doing this can cause you to get headaches and very painful throat feelings.

Over-use of quirk consequences: 

- Headaches

- Throwing up hearts/fake or real arrows

- Turing red all over

-------------------------------------------------------------- 520 words not including these one here.

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