What would I do without you?

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Jade looked out the window of her car, she let out a large sigh and continued to drive down the street. She heard a soft noise and her attention was on the small redhead sleeping soundly beside her in the passenger seat. She groaned internally. 'Why Cat? Why now?' she thought too herself.

Knowing the brown eyed girl beside her was a heavy sleeper, Jade knew she'd be the one carrying Cat inside too her room tonight. After a while Jade pulled into her driveway and pulled the keys from the ignition. She looked over once more at Cat and couldn't help the small amused smile that played across her lips; There was Cat, mouth open and drool at the corner of her full pink lips.

The dark haired girl unbuckled her seat belt and climbed out of the car, she moved around the front and opened the passenger door. Carefully she unbuckled Cats seat belt and gently lifted the small child like girl into her arms. Jade startled a bit as she felt warm arms encircle her neck and a head make its way to her shoulder.

"Oh Cat, what would I do without you?" Jade whispered to the girl in her arms.

She kicked the car door closed with a bit of force and it shut easily, Cat flinched slightly and Jade shook her head. 'She sleeps through everything.' She thought as she walked up to the porch, and struggled getting her key in the lock. Once she managed it, she crept into the house quietly, trying not to wake anyone.

Silently she kicked off her shoes, and removed Cats as well. Making her way up the stairs and into her bedroom, she slowly placed the redhead onto her bed and grabbed a baggy pyjama shirt from her dresser, Jade walked over to her and carefully slipped Cat into her shirt. Tucking a piece of red hair behind Cats ear, Jade sat next to her for a minute pulling the black covers over her petite figure.

Jade stood and changed into a black pair of pyjama shorts and a dark red tank top, before sliding underneath the covers beside Cat. She laid flat on her back and stared up at the ceiling, listening to the soft rise and fall of Cats breathing.

As she was slowly drifting off again, she felt familiar arms drape themselves around her body. "Cat..? You awake?" She whispered into the darkness and a soft sound of acknowledgement came from the girl beside her. "Mhm.." Cat murmured and rested her head against Jades chest.

Jade's icy blue eyes opened wide and her breath caught in her throat, she felt her heartbeat quicken... 'What am I feeling? Why is she doing this too me?' She asked herself as Cat cuddled in closer to her. Now normally Jade wouldn't be one for affection, cuddling was unheard of in daylight, not too mention in public. But this was Cat, and Cat was her exception. "Go back to sleep Cat, it's late." she whispered as she looked down at the girl.

"Mkay... Night Night Jadey." A sleepy voice said and Jade felt the weight off Cats head being lifted off her chest and a soft pair off lips on her cheek. A blush sneaked its way onto Jades cheeks and she bit her lip, closing her eyes as a yawn escaped Cats lips and she drifted off to sleep once more. Her head on Jades chest and a confused raven haired girl left with a racing heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2013 ⏰

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