Signs of Love / or not

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Waiting is a sign of love
But keeping someone wait too long isn't.

The plants may wait for rain to grow it, but if it doesn't in time, they'll just die.

Appreciating and encouraging is a sign of love
But ignoring one's wrong mindsets or toxicity isn't.

You can love someone, but isn't it obsession to be with someone who hurts you or innocents for fun, it ain't love but a dreadful drug addicting your sanity turn after turn.

Freedom is a sign of love
But not the freedom to keep changing it.

Love is not a season, if it stays it is true. Or else it's just like a rain, it comes for a while and then goes away drenching your eyes.

There's no love when there's no freedom in it, but it's equally not a love when priorities shift away from the person you claim to be in love with.

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