Torn Apart

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Lucas and Jaylen cuddled in the bed, Jaylen asleep while Lucas scrolled on his phone. He groaned in annoyance to the sound of a knock on the door, followed by a spam of the doorbell.

"Fucking hell..."

Jaylen laid under the sheets, Lucas getting up. He opened the door slightly, seeing his mom. "Son, I thought you would be with your friends at the pool. They told me you wanted to be alone."

"They're not my friends and yes I do. So if you excuse me," He went to close the door, his mom holding it open. "What ma?"

"I didn't see that...bunny at the pool. Where is he?"

"He doesn't like to get his tail wet so he stayed in," Lucas opened the door more, looking back at Jaylen resting. "with me." His mom walked in, about to touch him when Lucas grabbed her arm. "Don't you dare touch ridiculed me for years for not being 'the son you always wanted' and I'm sick of your shit. Jaylen makes me insanely happy, he's shown me that even though I'm a wolf, I can be loved and appreciated. He loves me...and I love him..."

The woman slapped her son, Lucas holding his cheek. "No son of mine is going to waste his life chasing after prey! I'm unrolling you from this college and you're coming home!"

She started throwing his stuff into his bags, Lucas trying to stop her. His dad walked in and dragged him out, Lucas yelling for Jaylen. "Jay! Wake up!"

The door slammed shut, Jaylen getting up. He looked around, not seeing Lucas. "Lucas? Babe?" He got up, looking out the door. Lucas was forced into the elevator, Jaylen running to it. He pounded against the metal door, crying. "No! Bring him back!" He fell to the floor, students running to him.

"Jaylen? What happened?" The large group asked him questions, Jaylen running down the stairs. They followed him, Lucas in his wolf form, a leash attached to a collar that was around his neck. His dad held it, a muzzle on his mouth.

His parents spoke with the principal, getting him un-enrolled. Jaylen watched in tears as the forced Lucas into the car. He was held back by Ray, sobbing. "No! No!" Jaylen never stopped, falling to the floor as his world crumbled around him.

He lost not only his soulmate but a piece of him, his eyes becoming puffy. He felt broken, he didn't know what to do. He spent the night in his room, not getting up to eat or spend time at the pool with everyone.

He couldn't find it in his heart to be happy when he wasn't. He tried to call Lucas, everything going to voicemail. It only made the sobs worse, some students watching from the doorway.

"Jaylen's gone..."

Three days passed and Lucas never left his room. He cried day and night, not having any way to communicate to Jaylen. His parents took his phone and blocked everyone, leaving him with nothing.

He never moved to eat, along with his boyfriend whom was also suffering. They both hated being apart after being together for so many weeks. It hurt knowing they would probably never see each other again.

Days turned to weeks, Lucas' parents slowly coming to their senses. They never apologized to him though, they only let him continue hating himself.

Lucas never left his room, spiraling into severe depression. He developed a eating disorder, quickly losing weight. His physical health drained quicker than his mental, showing during his yearly doctors appointment.

"Mr. Frix, how are you today? You don't look too well." The nurse commented.

"I'm okay..." He said while looking down, holding a bracelet Jaylen made. He choked back tears, getting off the bed.

"Well okay, follow me so we can weight you and check your height. Remove your shoes please." He listened, going step on the scale. The woman looked confused and concerned as it read "One hundred forty pounds." "That can't be right," She questioned. "You weighted one ninety last year."

"I lost weight in the last two weeks..." He said with a soft, yet sad tone. They continued the check up, his blood pressure scarily low. "I haven't been active or eating..."

"Have you been purposely starving yourself? Is something going on at home or with a partner?" He nodded slowly, tears forming in his eyes. The nurse held his hand, looking at him. "Talk to me..."

"Is it wrong to love prey so much you want to die just to see them again... I miss him so heart aches when he's not near me... I don't know where he is or how he's doing... I just know I can't continue living without him..."

"Lucas...I want to help you but you need to tell me what's going on... Why do you want to kill your self..."

"My parents un-enrolled me in my college because my boyfriend is a bunny... They're against homosexuality and hate him... I have no phone, they took my car keys, and won't let me move out because they cut up my credit card and shut down my account..." He cried harder, making himself sick. "I want to die...everyday without him is worse... I can't keep going..."

The nurse held his hands, shaking her head. "It's okay...i'll be okay... I'll make you a therapy appointment and pay for your medication... Okay..? I'll get you as much help as you need Lucas..."

She stood up and wiped his eyes with tissues, hugging him. "I just want to see him again..." He walked out, opening the door to the waiting room. People could feel his sadness, his mom walking over to him. "I have a prescription at the pharmacy..."

"Okay, honey..." He walked out, his mom following him. His dad met them downstairs, going to the pharmacy.

They got to the counter, his dad in front. "Prescription for Lucas Frix," The nurse looked at the family, feeling the tension as she grabbed his bag.

"It's been paid for." She told them, the dad opening the bag.

Lucas' parents looked at the pill bottle, reading it. They looked back at Lucas, his mom grabbing his face to look at him. "What do you need these for? Huh?! You wanna get on antidepressants for what?!" She saw the pain in her son's face, seeing the heartbreak in his eyes, his pale complexion. Everything was different, their son was no longer their son. He was nothing but a shell of his old self.

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