Chapter 1☾

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"And another win for the one and only Arabella Smith," the girl yelled from her PC.

Arabella Smith was playing bedwars for the millionth time in the past week, scoring a victory almost every match. Her chat flooded with "congrats" as she exited the game.

"Well guys, it's getting kinda late so I'm gonna get off for the night. Let's raid Ranboo. Have a nice night lovelies and I will see you for tomorrow's stream."

Arabella ended her stream and shut off her PC before leaving her desk. She walked out of her room and downstairs to get some water before returning to her room to go to sleep. 

Her phone buzzed from her nightstand with a notification from imessages. 


hey bella!


hey niki, what's up?


my friends are thinking about creating a new smp, would you care to join?


yea ofc! that sounds like so much fun.


ok cool! i'll text you with the details tomorrow. good night!


good night, niki!

Arabella met Niki while playing she was playing bedwars once. Niki had joined her stream and the chat flooded with comments about saying how the two would be great friends.

Niki found Arabella's Instagram and the two started talking more. They exchanged discords and numbers and became best friends quite quickly. 

Arabella plugged her charger into her phone and drifted into a deep sleep for the night, dreams about minecraft slowly infiltrating her head.

When Arabella woke up the next morning, her room was filled with sunlight. She got up from her bed and went to eat breakfast with her sister, as her parents had already left for work.

"Good morning, bella. How'd your stream go last night," Arabella's sister, Aurora asked.

"It was pretty good, I got a little over 50,000 views, which seems to be my average now," she replied.

"That's amazing. I made some waffles if you want any. You have any plans for today?"

Arabella grabbed a plate and put two waffles on it before joining her sister at the table.

"I'll probably stream for a bit later, other than that, Niki and I will possibly call and talk about a new smp she wants me to join. How about you?"

"I'm going out to the movies with Jack at 13:00, his brother is taking us."

Jack was Aurora's boyfriend, who didn't like Arabella at all. He thought that she was wasting her life away streaming. Arabella wasn't too fond of him either, he didn't treat Aurora the way she deserved to be treated, but Aurora was happy with him so Arabella kept quiet.

"Have fun with him, do you need any money?"

"No," Aurora replied, "mum gave me some yesterday."

Arabella nodded in response and then finished up her breakfast, washing the dishes shortly after. She returned to her room once she was done and took a seat at her desk with her phone in hand.

Niki had texted her and asked if she wanted to call for a bit and talk about the smp. Of course, Arabella replied with a "yes".

She powered on her PC and got onto discord, hearing the familiar ringtone not shortly after.

"Hello Niki," Arabella greeted her.

"Hey Bella, are you excited for this smp?"

"Yes, I can't wait. Who's all joining?"

"It's not a large group but me, you, wilbur, tubbo, and tommy are the main members as of right now. Others might possibly join later, but I'm not sure yet."

Arabella had met Wilbur, Tubbo and Tommy a few weeks after she met Niki. Niki had introduced the three boys to Arabella when they played among us together, on and off stream a few times. 

Wilbur and Tubbo were very sweet towards Arabella, they even asked her to stream with them a few times, but Tommy was quite different. He didn't speak to Arabella most of the time they played among us together, and when he did, it was rude and snarky comments that Arabella didn't enjoy.

It was easy to say that Tommy had disliked Arabella and it seemed to be without reasoning.

"Well, that's going to be interesting," Arabella replied.

"It'll be fine. You're pretty much friends with Wilbur and Tubbo."

"But not Tommy."

"I know. It's so odd that he doesn't like you. He's barely even talked to you."

"Yeah, but there's nothing I can really do about it. Maybe things will change once I join the smp."

"I hope so. We're all going to call tomorrow and Wilbur's going to create the smp."

"Okay, what time?"

"Wilbur said 14:00. Just be ready by then and you should get an invite."

"Sounds good." 

Arabella and Niki talked for a little longer before Niki had to get off and do something. Arabella got up from her PC before she received a message from Wilbur.

"hey, niki told me that you're down to join the smp. here's the link for the call tomorrow, be on at 14:00. can't wait!!!"

Arabella responded quickly before shutting off her PC and going downstairs to the sitting room. She logged onto her Netflix account and resumed the show she had been watching. 

After what felt like only a few minutes, she heard her front door open. It was her mum coming home from work.

"Hey Bella, how was your day," Her mum asked.

"It was fine, how was work?"

"Boring per usual. Sitting in an office and pretty much doing paperwork all day gets tiring, you know?"

"Yea, I get it."

Arabella went back to watching the television before her father got home from work as well. 

She spent the rest of her night with her parents and eventually her sister. They all ate dinner and watched a movie together to have some family time. 

As it got later, Arabella's parents went up to their room so they could sleep and it was just Aurora and Arabella in the sitting room.

"How was the movie with Jack," Arabella asked.

"It was okay, he tried to make out with me the entire movie," Aurora replied.

"Ugh, boys are irritating."

"You're telling me. I'm probably going to head to sleep now. Have a good night, Bella."

"Good night, Aurora." 

And with that, Arabella went up to her room to go to sleep as well, quickly checking her phone. She noticed she had a DM from Tommyinnit.

"hey woman. i heard you're joining the smp. gross."

"What. The. Fuck," Arabella said out loud.




well here's the first chapter, hope you enjoy

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