fourteen ✎

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ANDRE FELT LIKE SHIT BOTH INSIDE AND OUT when he woke up the next morning.

the reason why he felt bad physically was self explanatory; he had spent at least 10 hours yesterday running all over an amusement park in 80 degree weather, riding every ride he could ride, and screaming at the top of his lungs.

he had the time of his life doing it of course, but man did it take quite the toll on his body.

luckily for him, it was a sunday, which meant he didn't have to haul his aching body into two or more classes when all he needed was a deep slumber.

the explanation for his emotional turmoil was a lot less simple, but it all started exactly where you'd think it started; with rai and tyler.

realizations that he didn't exactly feel happy with rai anymore were the only thing that clouded his mind ever since yesterday.

rai used to be his sunshine; the reason he woke up in the morning. he used to never miss a chance to show her off, to scream from the rooftops that rai was his baby. things that changed as recently as a few weeks ago it seemed.

he used to live to make rai happy, so much to the point that he neglected his own needs and wants just to put her first. once he returned to the driver's seat and took back control of his own life, he started to realize just how much life rai sucked out from him.

ever since he started dating rai, he put his wants, his needs, and his goals on the backburner. he didn't even allow himself to really talk to other people besides her, because he knew how she could get when she didn't have 100% of his time. oddly, andre thought that this was okay; that putting your partner's needs above yours no matter how drained you feel after the fact was just how relationships worked.

every tantrum rai threw after andre talked to someone else, no matter how platonic the interaction was, every hour spent reassuring her that she'd always be the only one that mattered, even more than himself, was nothing more than unneeded toxicity in his life.

and no one helped him to see that more than tyler sharpe.

tyler was a breath of fresh air ever since they came in contact on that late december afternoon. tyler was freedom, tyler was happiness, tyler was late night trips to walmart and early morning runs to panera. tyler was shy, anxious, and reserved, and andre brought him out of his shell and revealed that he was a vibrant, funny, and jovial person, and nothing more than a ball of joy.

tyler wasn't a "bad bitch" the way that rai was, but all of tyler's little imperfections, his slight lazy eye, his braces, his slight lisp that only really came out whenever he spoke too fast, his clumsyness, all of those little things just made him even more beautiful in andre's eyes.

tyler was beautiful.

so when they were alone, in the ferris wheel cart, illuminated by all of the florescent lights from below and the moonlight from above, andre was caught up in tyler's imperfect perfection, and thought that the only thing left to do, was to kiss him.

in the moment, the kiss left him flying high, he had finally done the thing that he had been subconsciously aching to do ever since he met tyler.

but as he woke up this morning, and the events replayed in his mind, the memory of the kiss didn't bring him joy, but instead an anchor of guilt to weigh down onto his mental.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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