Chapter 12

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2 Days Later**

Everyone tried to get used to Ty being back, but they were having a hard time.

In The Loft**

Ty was sitting on the couch looking at his and Amy's wedding book when Amy walked in.
Amy sat down next to him on the couch.

" Ty I need and want to know, what were you doing the 8 months you were gone?" -Amy

Ty closed the wedding book and sat it down on the coffee table. He got up and walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer.
He walked back over to the couch and sat down next to Amy.

Ty sighed.

" The government took me." -Ty finally said

Amy looked at Ty with a curious and confused look.

" But why Ty?" - Amy

" Because they wanted to keep me safe. And the whole family safe." - Ty said looking into Amy's eyes.

" I just don't understand. Why can you come back now? " -Amy

" Because, it's because he's behind bars. He is in solitary confinement for the rest of his life." -Ty said holding Amy's hand and looking into her eyes.

" That makes sense. I'm sorry Ty. I am just confused, looking for answers. Anything. Just don't leave anymore. I don't think I could handle it happening again." -Amy said crying.

" I know Amy. I'm sorry for how it happened. I would not forgive myself if my family wasn't or isn't safe. I couldn't live with myself if my family wasn't safe. But we are safe now. And we will be forever." -Ty said hugging Amy at this point.

" You promise?" -Amy

" Yes, I promise. " -Ty

Ty and Amy kissed and hugged.

2 Days Later**

Amy is cleaning the kitchen table while Ty is playing with Lyndy in her play kitchen.
Lyndy ran up to Amy and gave her a big hug.

" I love you mommy" -Lyndy shouted

Amy just smiled.

" I love you too sweetheart." -Amy said hugging Lyndy back.

" Mommy, did you have an accident?" -Lyndy asked Amy as she stepped back.

Amy glanced at Ty.
Ty got up and started to walk towards Amy.
Amy looked down and her water broke.

" Ty, my water broke. We need to go to the hospital. Now." -Amy

Ty quickly ran off to get Amy's hospital bag. Next thing they new they were rushing down the stairs when they passed Caleb cleaning out the stalls.

" Hey man, can you bring Lyndy up to the ranch house? Amy's water broke." -Ty said as he slowed down.

" Yeah, I can. Good luck." -Caleb

Ty handed Lyndy over to Caleb.
Ty and Amy got into the truck.

Tt drove as fast as he could to the hospital and ran inside to go tell the front desk lady that his wife is in labor.

They wheeled out a wheel chair for her and rushed her up to labor and delivery.

They get her in a gown and checked how many centimeters she was.

" Ma'am, your 2 centimeters. I think you might have just peed yourself." -Nurse Jane

" I am so embarrassed. I'm sorry." -Amy said laughing so she doesn't cry.

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