Chapter Seventeen: Sauna Test (2/2)

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Billy pushes Ava out of the way, and starts to bang on the door. "Max." Billy says quietly, staring at her through the glass. "Do it." Max says. "Oh my god." Ava says, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Max! Let me out of here!" Billy shouts, banging on the door. "Let me out." Billy shouts angrily. "You kids.. You think this Is funny?" He says, breathing heavily.

"You kids think this is some kind of sick prank, huh?" Billy asks, spitting onto the glass in a rude manor. "You little shits thinks this is funny?!" He shouts.

"What is this?" He asks, sweat dripping from his forehead. "Open the door." He demands. "Open the door!" Bill repeats, banging on the door, vibrating the room. "Open the door!" He repeats. "Open the goddamn door!" He repeats once more before screaming and turning back to Ava.

"Shit." Ava mumbles. Billy punches the girl right in the jaw, making her spit out blood. "Fucking asshole." Ava scoffs, spitting out more blood. Lucas walks to the thermostat, "We're at 220." Lucas says, turning back to the group.

Billy grabs Ava by her neck, squeezing it. Ava coughs as she's being choked. She's never been choked before, but she didn't think it'd be this bad.

Ava tries punching and kicking Billy from where she's at, but that doesn't do anything. Then she remembers that one spot. Ava immediately kicks Billy down there, making him groan and drop her.

Ava was gasping for air, she wouldn't be surprised if Billy broke her jaw, or even fractured her neck. Billy sat down on the floor, sobbing. "It's not my fault. It's not my fault, Max. I promise you, it's not my fault." Billy says through sobs.

"What's not your fault, Billy?" Max asks, walking towards the window, seeing Ava and Billy. Billy was on the floor, sitting criss cross with his hands in a beg formation, as Ava had blood dripping down her mouth, her hand gripping her neck in a painful manor.

"I've done things, Max, really.. Bad things.." Billy goes on, crying. "I didn't mean to." He continues. "He made me do it." He finishes. "Who made you do it?" Max asks.

"I don't know, it's like a shadow." Billy says. "Like a giant shadow. "Please, Max." Billy sobs. "What did he make you do?" Max asks sadly. "It's not my fault, okay? Max, please!" Billy begs, leaning on the wooden seat.

"Please believe me, Max, it's not my fault." Billy sobs, making Max tear up. "I tried to stop him, okay? I did." He goes on. "Please believe me, Max." He says, "Please believe me." He begs.

"Billy, it's gonna be okay." She says. "Max, please." Billy goes on, reaching for a tile piece underneath the seat, and Ava notices.

"It's gonna be okay, we want to help you, both." Max says, "You just have to talk to us, okay?" Max goes on. "I believe you, Billy." She says.

"M-Max.." Ava says, glancing at the redhead, barely able to talk with her injured jaw. "Get away f-from the door." Ava says, looking at Billy's hand, which is holding a tile piece.

Max ignores her. "I need you to trust me, Billy, please." Max says. "Max, get away from the door." Mike says. "What?" Max asks, looking at Ava. "Get away from the door!" Mike yells before Billy punches through the glass with the tile shard.

"Let me out, you bitch! Let me out!" He shouts. "I'll fucking gut you!" He continues, hitting the door with the shard. He grabs the metal pipe, and takes it off of the door. Lucas grabs a rock and puts it in his slingshot, hitting Billy between the eyes, making him fall onto the floor.

Billy starts to groan and turn to his back, his veins becoming black, as well as Ava's. Ava watches as Billy groans and looks as though his bones are moving out of his skin, she stands in the corner, speechless.

Billy has this wet noise vibrating out of his mouth, it was disgusting. He got up, his back still filled with black veins, and he was staring right at Ava. "You've got to be k-kidding me." Ava mumbles. Billy lunges at the girl, who somehow successfully dodges.

I guess physical combat class did help. Ava gets under Billy and kicks him in the back, causing him to fall onto the wooden seats. Billy turns around and grabs Ava, throwing her into the wall. Billy stared at Ava, who was now laying on the floor, out of breath and obviously in pain.

Billy smiles at her maniacally, before kicking her in the stomach, over and over again. Ava grabs Billy's foot, and when she does, some type of blackness that came off of her hand presses onto him.

Billy steps back and watches the blackness stick fangs into his leg, making him groan in pain. Billy kicks the thing off, and punches Ava in the face, surely breaking her jaw if it wasn't broken already.

Billy then roars, the veins on him spreading with black across his chest. He continues to roar, and slams into the door. "He can't get out, can he?" Max asks, "No way." Lucas says, "No. Way." He repeats.

Billy slams into the door once more, finally breaking free. El lifts a weight, and throws it into him, launching him into the brick wall beside him. El starts to scream before Billy pushes the weight off him.

Billy walks towards El quickly, and grabs ahold of her hair, looking back at the group. Billy then starts to choke El, lifting her into the air. Mike then grabs a pipe, and hits Billy in the head with it, making him drop El.

"Go to hell, you piece of shit!" Mike shouts, going for another hit with the pipe, but this time Billy grabs it. He throws the pipe across the room, and starts inching towards mike.

But then Billy starts levitating, thanks to El. Billy and El scream and groan at each other, lights flickering in the room, before black fog starts to foam out of Billy's mouth. "What the hell is that?" Lucas asks.

It was Ava's doing.

El then throws Billy into the brick wall, breaking it. El falls onto Mike, as Ava is barely conscious in the sauna. Will rushes over to Ava, trying to see if she's okay and can stand. They all look over to see Billy, who was now running away, black fog still escaping his lips.

"You guys need to help me get Ava out of here." Will says, calling over the party. "Holy shit Ava, are you okay?" Mike asks. "Does she look okay to you, dipshit?" Lucas says, answering for Ava.

"I don't know what you were thinking putting her in here!" Mike shouts. "I thought it had something to do with The Mind Flayer, so i was wrong, i didn't know!" Max shouts back.

"Well since you were wrong, she's in pain, and it's because of you!" Mike says back. Max starts to realize that she inflicted pain onto Ava, all because she thought something stupid.

Ava coughs blood out of her mouth, her eyes barley being able to open. "Ava, i'm gonna need you to stay awake, okay?" Will says calmly, picking her up with the help of Mike.

Max and Ava make eye contact for a split second before Ava's eyes slowly shut. Ava tried to stay awake, but she couldn't. She passed out in pain.

{1845 word count}

Soooo, that happened. Anyways, Ava's gonna be fine apart from broken bones, in case you're worried. But i'm curious on what's gonna happen to Max and Ava's relationship because of this, hm.. Thank you sm for reading, i love you all!!<3

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