When death is not an option

Start from the beginning

"That won't be enough to kill him…"

"Of course not! But it sure as hell will be painful!" Naruto exclaimed, standing up shakily. "No one has found me yet…" He mumbled, looking around a completely devastated area. "I wonder why. Someone should hear it… someone might even see! Why?"

"Maybe that's exactly why?" Yamato asked.


"Think about it, would you want to meet someone who can do something like this?"

"Hmm… I guess not…" Naruto massaged his jaw. "But it has been three days, I'm sure someone really curious would have checked it out… unless…"

"Unless what?"

"Baal, he's dead." Naruto stated. "We both know it… but is there any way the summons could learn about it too?"

"No, but…" Yamato paused. "The tower! Legends say that his tower was the manifestation of Supreme Overlord's power! I bet that when you killed him, his tower collapsed! That's how they learned, that's why they still won't check this area out! They think you have won and about to destroy them next!"

"Sounds logical…" Naruto stated.

"So, what are you gonna do?"



"They think I have won, right?"

"I… I guess." Yamato responded.

"Well, they're in for one hell of a surprise… Because I died in the last explosion." The blond stated with a smirk.

"W-What?! But you…!"

"Shh, easy." Naruto interrupted, removing the sword from its scabbard. "I'm going to need your help…"

"Aren't you always?"

"Fuck you. But now you will do something for me." The Overlord said, stabbing his blade into the ground. "Seal the worlds off."

"What?! How can I do that if we both are here?!" Yamato shouted.

"Hmhmhmhmhm…" Naruto chuckled, turning around. "I'll see you back in the human world."

"Hey, where are you going?!" Yamato yelled after its master. "Get back here you ungrateful son of a bitch!"


"Why me…?"

The Netherworld. Forbidden desert…

"Alright, here I am…" Naruto said, reappearing in a burst of flames. "If the memory is correct then this place is feared by both summons and demons. A perfect place for me to hide…"

He looked around the area. Sand, sand and more sand. Few rocks here and there, nothing spectacular… except the beautiful night sky.

"Why is it forbidden though? I see nothing dangerous here. Or is it forbidden for this exact reason? Can a demon die from boredom?" Naruto shrugged. "Well, I guess I should get going. Besides, I feel really exposed just standing here in the open. Let's check out… that rock." He said and started to walk towards his target.

The road was long and boring, and Naruto started to regret leaving Yamato behind. "At least he's fun to talk to…" He muttered, observing a large piece of stone. "Now I'm stuck here alone for Orochimaru knows how long and…"

"Stop right there!"

Naruto's eyebrows shot up. "What the…?" He turned around… to see four people dressed in black robes with red cloaks. "Who in the blue hell are you?"

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