When you have no fate

Start from the beginning

"HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA! Beyond redemption?!" Naruto blurred in front of her and backhanded his ex-teammate across her face. "You still don't get it, you stupid bitch?! I do not believe in redemption! And even if I did, there is no need in it for me. I am right in everything I do!"

"The whole world says you're not!" She shouted.

"Then the whole world is wrong!" Naruto countered. "And if it won't agree with me, then I will destroy it! And from remains a new world will be created! A world where I won't be wronged anymore! The world that I deserve!"

Sakura looked down and shakily got to her feet.

"No… it won't." She stated, still looking down. "One person can't stand against the world… and it doesn't matter how strong that person is." Then she turned her look at him. "The day will come when you'll make a mistake… Naruto. And there will be no one to back you up. That day you will fail and every your sick dream will fail with you. Do you know why?!"

The blond tilted his head to the side.

"Because everyone has darkness! Only that time it will appear somewhere you won't expect!"

Naruto's eyebrows rose, he was really taken aback by this. "I've got to hand it to you, Sakura…" He started. "I never expected something like this to come from your mouth. And I say you are absolutely… right."

Now Sakura was taken aback.

"Maybe someday I will fail. Maybe someday I will be taken down! But until that happened…" He aimed his gun at her and looked around the burning village. "I might as well enjoy! Tell Sasuke I said 'Go fuck yourself'."

The demon started to pull the trigger down, but…


Said blond glanced over his shoulder.

"Huh?" There stood some raven haired girl in white robe. "Who in the white hell are you?"

The girl grinned. "You don't remember me? I'm hurt, I really am. After all these years you really have forgotten me…"

Naruto's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?"

"Hmhmhm…" She chuckled. "Still don't remember? Well, I guess I'll just have to refresh your memory then…" Her grin widened. "YOU HAVE FAILED ME, NARUTO!"

The Overlord snorted in amusement. "What the fuck are you talking abo…"

Next moment a memory flashed in front of his eyes…


"Oi, Naruto!"

"Huh?" Four year old Naruto turned around. "Oh, ohayo, Misako-chan!"

"There you are!" The girl exclaimed happily, stopping right in front of him. "Today is your birthday, right?"

The blond nodded his head reluctantly.

"Then here!" Misako presented him a skull-like necklace. "This is for you!" She said smiling from ear to ear.

Naruto's eyes widened. "For… For m-me?"

"Of course, silly!" The girl replied. "Today is your birthday! Everyone should get a present for their birthday!"

"B-But I…"

"Oh, just take it already!" She pushed the necklace into his hands.

Naruto inspected it closer. "Isn't it your family's heirloom?"

"It is."

"Then I can't take it…"

"You can, and you will!" She stated. "It's mine now, and I wish to give it to you."

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