The demon smiled in satisfaction. "See?! That wasn't so hard!"

"I hate you!"

"Hahaha! Sure you do!" He replied. "The only question is… why?"

"You know very well why!" She hissed.

"Yep, I do… but do you?"

"What?" She asked in confusion.

"Do you know why you hate me?"

"Of course I do!"


Tsunade gritted her teeth. "You Killed Jiraiya! You betrayed the village! You killed thousands of people! You…" She was about to continue, but was interrupted by Naruto's insane laughter.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Do you even believe what you're saying?!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Hmhmhm… Ahhh… Ironic, isn't it?"

Sannin's eyes narrowed. "What is?"

Naruto sighed. "Our biggest similarity is that both of our lives were fucked up by the Hidden Leaf Village."

"You're delusional!" The Hokage screamed. "Konoha didn't fuck up my…" Last word died in her throat before she could say it. 'Oh my god! It did!'

"Ah! I see realization came to you!" Ex-jinchuriki stated. "Yep, we owe it all to good old Konoha!"

"Shut up!" The Hokage spat. "I'm sill nothing like you!"

"Of course not!" The demon replied with sudden anger, which startled Tsunade slightly. "Because I'm not a hypocrite!"

The woman glared. "I'm not a hypocrite!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?!"


"Then how about your proclamation about hating me?" He responded. "Let's see… oh yes, me betraying the village! Now we both know it's garbage. You don't give even a slightest damn about this village!"

"Yes I do!" She yelled back.

"No you don't! And stop lying to yourself!" The demon said. "Face it; you are here only because of me."

Her eyes widened. "N-No… I…"

"Sigh… Just admit it, it'll make things easier."


"You ran away! Don't give me that look, yes you did!" Naruto screamed. "Sandaime allowed it only because you were his favorite student! Otherwise you would've been found and disposed off! Konoha does not forgive its traitors!"


"Still not convinced, huh?" Naruto continued. "On to the next point then! What was there… oh yes, me killing thousands of people! Now what the fuck is with that?! Don't tell me you give a shit about some people?"

"I do! I…"

"No you don't!" He cut her off. "And you never did! You only cared about people close to you…"

"That's why I will never forgive you for killing Jiraiya!" She screamed.

Naruto smirked at this. "Hmhmhm… Never forgive me, huh? Not that I really care, but…"

"But what?!"

The demon shrugged. "I just don't know if I should tell this to you or not. This is really gonna blow your fucking mind…"

"Try me." She looked at him defiantly.

"You sure?"

The woman continued to stare.

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