America (Movies)

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This is dedicated to one of my best friends, Annette (Annie), she LOVES America! This is NOT a reader insert and will be continued as a Part 2, by the way, sorry for the shortness, I'm still new at writing one shots >3<


I packed everything I was going to need for the sleepover at America's place, toothbrush, pillow, phone, teddy bear (Hey, don't judge me!), a scary movie (to scare the crap out of America >=] ), my favorite pair of mismatched PJs, the shirt had the superman logo on it and the pants had the batman logo in it, I also grabbed a bag full of chocolate covered peanuts, my favorite!

I dashed out the door and America's car pulled up a second later. I got in the car quickly, already excited, America started laughing at my eagerness. I brushed my dark hair out of my face, revealing my huge smile, "Ready to go Annie?"

"HELLZ YEAH, AL!" I did a small fist pump.

"Love the enthusiasm!" Al shouts, giving me a high-five. It takes a couple of minutes to get o Al's house (mansion), but when we do, I jump out of the car and run into his house, him right behind me,

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED RIGHT!!" We both shout at the same time, causing both of us to fall to the ground, laughing.

After a couple of minutes of laughing, I decide to pullout the movie I brought, it was in a disguise case, the case said, Zathura, but the movie was Texas Chainsaw. Al left to get some popcorn, so I put in he movie while he was gone, so he wouldn't be able to see the title of the movie. He walked back in with pop and popcorn. We both changed into out pajamas, I got a few nice complements on my choice of PJs, causing a light blush to dust my face and I mumbled a quick thank you.

We both sat down on the floor, covered in blankets. I set the popcorn in between us and sat back, adjusting my glasses (yes, I do wear glasses, don't judge me!). The movie can on after a couple if previews and America was instantly scared. He was jumping at every little thing, and I'll admit, at some gory parts, my stomach was doing flips. I was starting to get scared as well, I was screaming along with Al, we ended up holding hands, I was too scared to even blush. The movie ended and I was shaking.

"Wh-what the hell Annie?!" Al yelled at me, "what was the big idea, making me watch a movie like that?!" I was still picturing the gory parts of the movie in my head, I started shaking again, Al scooted closer to me, "Y-you ok, Annie?" I was NOT in any way, shape, or form 'ok'! "It was just a movie, don't be scared, wanna sleep next to me tonight?" I nodded. We set up our sleeping bags next to each other, we got into our sleeping bags, holding each others hands. I was almost asleep when I felt a pair of warm lips brush against mine.

"A-Al? Please tell me that was you?"

He laughed, "yeah, that was me!" I could hear the smile in his voice


"Well, good night Annie" and he was out like a light.

I brought my hand up to my lips, "Night Al" I whispered, smiling. What a great sleepover! Can't wait till the morning. At least I won't have any nightmares tonight.

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