💀 freelancer aftermath 💀

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I really feel like after the inversion and what happened, freelancer felt guilty; it isn't only "survivor's guilt" but the guilt that they couldn't do anything to help or protect their friends.

When gavin took a break from the human world and went back to his world (?) Freelancer took the opportunity to throw themselves into work, weather it be practicing his magic or physically working on their body, by exercising.

During the time gavin was gone, freelancer bearly got any sleep. They didn't speak to anybody, not their friends, not their family, no-one

Freelancers destructive tendencies caught up to them after a month or two of this. Their body slowed down, hair started to fall out, but it didn't stop them; they may have been tired and exhausted, they still studied up on magic.

After a while Caelum noticed what was happening to freelancer and wanted to help them. Freelancer ended up pushing caelum away and dismissing their necessities.

With no other way to help freelancer, caelum went to gavin in their realm (?) And told him about what freelancer was doing to themselves and convinced him to at least go and check on freelancer.

Once gavin entered the house he walked over to freelancer and they just started BALLING THEIR FUCKING EYES OUT. 
After so long of them being alone in their shared house, and having no real form of comfort for months, they just couldn't hold it in anymore.

Immediately after gavin even touched ANY part of their body, freelancer just started to cry. While crying they just apologized profusely.

Gavin did help freelancer come out of most of their bad habits. Freelancer still goes to the gym not only to forget their issues, but because they made some gym-rat friends

(294 words!)
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